
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Darla the Dragonfly

Hello Stampin' Friends. Today I have a card for Mother Mark's Teapot Tuesday challenge. There is a story that goes along with this. You can read it here. You really need to read it to believe it! You probably still won't believe it, but that's ok. At least you won't be totally lost!

Have you read it? OK, this is Darla the Dragonfly's advice to her DD (Darling Daughter) Dingle Bell Berry.
She can show her a meadow of beautiful flowers that happen to be some of the colors of this week's color challenge. I love the Cameo Coral & Ruby Red with the two-step stamping. I'm going to miss these colors! Darla & Dingle have their turquoise dresses on. That covers all the colors for this week.

It was hard to think of critters that wouldn't eat dragonflies. I didn't want to take any chances so I made some little ladybugs. They're too small to do much damage I think.

I decided to try an Easel Card. I have been admiring them on Splitcoaststampers and for some reason last night, I just had to try one. Here is the link to the tutorial.

Darla & Dingle were stamped with Whisper White Craft ink on Vellum Card Stock, embossed and cut out. Directions for the ladybugs are in yesterday's post.

Card Recipe
Stamps: Inspired by Nature, Greenhouse Garden, Nature's Nest
Paper: Ruby Red, Whisper White, Real Red, Basic Black, Cameo Coral, Tempting Turquoise, Vellum Card Stock
Ink: Whisper White, Cameo Coral, Ruby Red, Old Olive
Acc.: Tempting Turquoise & Crushed Curry SU Markers, White Embossing Powder, Scallop Oval & Wide Oval, & Scallop Trim Border Punches

I hate to tell you how long it took me to make this card. I usually stick with the Quick & Simple. Every now and then it's fun to experiment and go all out. I will do more of the Easel Cards. They fold flat for mailing then display so nicely.

Hope you enjoyed Darla and Dingle. I'm glad you stopped by. Come again, ok? And don't be afraid to leave a comment. I love comments!

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