
Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Layer Remake

Remember the One Layer Wednesday cards this week?  I really didn't like them and said that I would probably layer them up.  Well that's exactly what I did!

The leaf card went from this........

To this.....

I cut off the card front, cut it down, matted it with Dusty Durango & Chocolate Chip and put it on a Naturals White card base.

I was liking it better but it seemed like it needed more on the top.  So I masked it again and stamped the leaves a couple more times.  Oops, the mask moved a bit.  Not too bad though.  It's still going to work.

I wondered about putting a little bit more dimension with a cut out leaf.  So I stamped the leaf on a piece of scrap, sponged on some color, smacked it with the VersaMark pad and clear embossed it.  I cut it out, rolled it a bit with my bone folder and adhered it over the original leaf.

OK, I like this a lot better!

Now to get it in the mail for my DB's birthday.  Did I tell you he was going to be 60?  Wow, I remember when we thought that 60 was really, really old!

Have a great weekend and I hope you get some ink on your fingers.


  1. I love what you did with this, Bonnie!! I think the layers and extra leaves add a lot to your design--lots more dimension. And I bet that your DB will love it for this birthday!!!

  2. Hope your 60-year-young brother loves this; I like your re-make much better, too!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie