
Monday, January 24, 2011

Bird in the Wreath?

I wanted to share the other card I made yesterday.  It's one that I really struggled with but finally came to a satisfactory conclusion.  Sometimes cards come so easy and other times they are a mighty struggle!

A couple of my blogging friends are on design teams and I've been wanting to play along with their challenges.  Unfortunately time is limited and I don't always often get to everything that I want to.

Colleen (of Dietrich Designs) is a Designer at The Play Date Cafe.  This was this weeks challenge there....

I think I should have used the Olive Green and maybe I would have liked it better, but somehow I got Always Artichoke in my mind and went with that.

My friend Emily (My Little Slice of Bliss) is a Designer on Stampin' B's Designs and she challenged us to use a banner on our card.

The wreath is the branch from the Extra Large 2-Step Bird Punch.  I found that punching the leaves with just a bit of the branch worked best.  I used a 2 1/2" punched circle with a 1 3/8" circle punched out of the middle as a base.   When I had enough branches punched, I ran the snail over the base and began to stick the branches down. I tried not to adhere all the leaves so I could tuck the next branch underneath.

Once the wreath was finished I needed a door and the Faux Wood Technique seemed like the best choice, especially since I needed gray in my card. I used Going Gray on a 4" x 5 1/4" piece of Whisper White to do this.  After I scored the piece, I just dragged the inkpad down the length of the card a couple of times.

For the banner, I stamped the Welcome on a scrap and cut the ends.  It needed some defination, so I inked the edges with Basic Gray.  I used 2 dimensionals, one on top of the other in the middle and snail on the ends to attach it.

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Punch Potpourri, Warm Words
Ink: Going Gray, Tangerine Tango, Basic Gray
Paper:  Basic Gray, Whisper White, Always Artichoke
Accessories:  Extra Large 2-Step Bird Punch, Basic Pearls

I haven't had a chance to stamp today.  I've got an idea floating around in my head too.  I hope to get to my table and play a bit this evening.

You can check on my sidebar for Colleen's & Emily's blogs.  Treat yourself to a visit.



  1. Hi Bonnie :) What a great card, and I think your background is pretty neat! Thanks for playing along at the Play Date Cafe :)

  2. Great wreath card, Bonnie, and I love your
    Faux Wood Technique for the door. The bird looks so pretty nestled in the wreath. I like your banner, too...glad you played with the Stampin B's this week.

  3. Bonnie, this is fabulous!! You did a great job with the PDCC colors, and I love the faux wood your created. Thanks so much for playing along with my Stampin' B's challenge for banners this week--I think yours looks smashing!! Awesome work. :)

  4. Wow! This is gorgeous! I love the dimension with the wreath and banner. Clever idea for creating the faux wood door. :)

  5. This is wonderful! I love the wood door and your technique turned out awesome! So glad you played with us at The Play Date Cafe!

  6. So glad you got to play along with us this week, your hard work paid off! Love it! Thanks for playing along with us over at the Play Date Cafe this week!

  7. Hello bonnie.Is beautiful your card, i love it.
    Regards from Spain

  8. LOVE how you made this door scene look so real!!! Really a beautiful card!!! Thanks for joining us at the Play Date Cafe :)

  9. Yay, Bonnie! Thanks for combining challenges at both Emily's and my 'places'! Wow, I really love this bird's nest on the side of a barn (well, that's what my eye interprets). The distressed look is perfect for the scene you created. Good job with another artful "Bonnie" card. :D (and thanks for the shout-outs in this post) So glad you played at the Cafe and I *really* hope I see you again there!!

  10. Hey, Bonnie! LOVE your faux, wood door! And that wreath is so welcoming! Thank you so much for playing with us, this week, in the Cafe!

  11. I LOVE that background you've created; looks just like a wood panel. Your bird looks right at home with that wreath too. So glad you joined us this week at the Play Date Cafe.

  12. What a great idea with the wreath, Bonnie! Super cute design and lovely use of our colors! Thanks for joining us over at the Play Date Cafe!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie