
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Catching Up

I have cards on my desk to blog about and cards on my work table to photograph and blog about.  And I have blogs that I need to comment about. Seems like the only thing I've had  time to do is make a few cards.  It keeps me sane.

My wonderful Dad had to go into a Nursing Home on Friday.  I wasn't able to make that trip with him and I hate it.  My brother and sister accompanied him and I've been able to talk to him every day.  Happily, he seems to be ok with it.  It was his decision and it's a relief to know that he is safe.  I still wish he was closer so I could keep an eye on him.  I'm thankful that he can still make good decisions and hope that his quality of life will be better with regular meals and medication as well as some old Vets to discuss war stories with.

I made this card for the Color Challenge at SCS on Tuesday to use Very Vanilla, Chocolate Chip and Old Olive.  We also needed to round one corner.

We did a similar card at Creative Arts (soon to be Papercrafting) on Wednesday, but we used Garden Green.  I really like the softness of the Old Olive better.

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Lovely as a Tree, Teeny, Tiny Wishes
Ink:  SU Markers (Old Olive, Chocolate Chip)
Paper:Naturals Ivory, Very Vanilla, Chocolate Chip, Old Olive
Accessories:  Blender Pen, Corner Rounder Punch, Paper Piercing Tool, Mat Pack

Thanks so much for stopping in to visit.



  1. Beautiful card. Glad your Dad's move was a good one.

  2. That tree image is so gorgeous and you've made it even more so.
    It is so hard when parents reach that stage but it sounds as if your Dad knew exactly what he wanted to do and that is so much easier on everyone.

  3. I know what you mean Bonnie - card-making is very therapeutic when times get tough. It must be a comfort to know that your dad made this decision and that he's being well looked after.

  4. This is lovely, hope you feel better about your Dad soon.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie