
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bird Trouble

Jennifer is back with the One Layer Wednesday challenge and she says....

1. A one-layer card is defined as a single piece of cardstock folded in half.
                               2. Make a one-layer birthday card incorporating at least one bird.
Yesterday I shared a card made from the remains of my first try.
Actually, the base of that card was from the second try.  The bird fell off the block.  He didn't stamp.  Just left a smudge.  The oval covered the smudge so I didn't have to trash it.
On my third try, the bird fell off the block again!  This time, I just pressed it down where it landed. 
That's why he's in the bottom right corner and not in the middle of the card.
That's one stubborn bird!
I just noticed that I forgot to color the branch.
Oh, and I just inked the bird for try 2 and 3.  It's a good thing don't you think?
I used the Stamp-a-majig for placement of the leaves.  He needed something so he didn't look like he was trying to get away.  He was, but.....
I used my Simply Scored to frame the sentiment.
All supplies are Stampin' Up!
Card Recipe
Stamps:  Beautiful Season, Pocket Silhouettes, Sincere Salutations
Ink:  Old Olive, Always Artichoke, SU Markers (Basic Black, Basic Gray, Peach Parfait)
Paper:  Naturals White
Other:  Simply Scored
I hope your attempts went better than mine.  Thanks for stopping by and letting me whine at you.


  1. That bird does not like you...but you definitely won in the end!

  2. hehehehehe, what a naughty bird. But you still the winner, dear! Love the simplicity, love the overall design =P

  3. I was much amused by your description of how you made this card Bonnie. I think the bird knew what he was doing though - he looks great down in the bottom right hand corner!

  4. Bonnie, I love those leaves your bird is perched upon. Very pretty card...even if that bird didn't want to cooperate. :-)

  5. I share your pain! I made a nice card this morning, and then the sentiment fell off the block onto the card. Such a pain when it's meant to be a one layer card. Glad you won in the end though, your card is lovely.

  6. I think the placement of your bird is perfect. He just flew where he knew he needed to be.

  7. Very nice Bonnie, I loved your coloring. Well done.

  8. It's perfect Bonnie, something was in control of your hands to make this lovely card

  9. Oh,how very pretty, Bonnie!! I think your bird looks PERFECT in the corner. One layer cards are so seems that when I attempt one...ALL the mistakes happen...and you can't afford ANY mistakes...your card is lovely:)!!

  10. Bonnie he's just a cute as can be! If you're using a cling stamp, try touching the acrylic block with a drop or two of water, sometimes that helps the stamp cling a bit better. Don't you just get exasperated when the same mistakes keep happening over and over!! No worries, though....this turned out really cute!

  11. Oh, I love how you created the foliage behind this bird, Bonnie! And the off centered look, too. Very cool!

  12. Great save! Loved your write-up, too. I've cleaned the back of the stamp and the block with stamp cleaner when the stamp falls off.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie