
Friday, May 4, 2012

Another Merry Monday

I know.  It's Friday not Monday.  But I rarely get my Merry Monday card done and posted until Friday.

I finally bought Dasher and now he's slated for retirement.  I'm glad I got him though. He'll probably remain on my shelf for a long time.  SU's retirement plan and mine don't exactly coincide.

Sorry about the paint job.  I tried to remove a bit of color to add some texture.  I ended up giving him the mange look.

Then I added some of the Fine Supernova Chocolate glitter to his antlers.  I was hoping that would take the eye up and away from his body.  Did it work?

The background is stamped in Chocolate Chip with the Baroque Motifs flourish stamp.  It's been one of my favorites since it was introduced and I can't imagine doing without it.

I chose to use little labels made with the Scallop Trim Corner punch for the sentiment.  I hope it's OK to break away from the sketch a bit that way.  I'm never sure.

Finally, here's the sketch Lesley gave us this week.

I used the colors from the CAS challenge at SCS this week to use chocolate, green & white or ivory.

All supplies are Stampin' Up

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Dasher, Baroque Motifs, To You and Yours (retired)
Ink:  Chocolate Chip, SU Marker (Old Olive)
Paper:  Chocolate Chip, Old Olive, Whisper White, DSP
Other:  Fine Supernova Glitter, Old Olive ribbon (retired and my last scrap), Northern Flurry EF, Scallop Trim Corner Punch  

Last, but certainly not least, Jack has discovered the toy box.  Anytime we're willing to hold his hands and let him walk where he wants, he heads there.  He keeps lifting his leg like he wants to climb in.  Oh my, that will come soon enough.

Thanks so much for the visit and have a wonderful weekend.



  1. He doesn't have the mange look at all....looks more shaded and he's fantastic! Love your card and especially the flourishes in the background. Very pretty!
    You're going to love of very favorites!
    Jack is such a little cutie! And yes, he'll be all the way in the toy box soon...they grow so fast!

  2. Dasher looks great, and I love those tiny tags!

  3. Great card and I don't notice anything wrong with the reindeer.
    Jack is just adorable and you are right, it won't be long before he is climbing into that box all on his own.

  4. Oh Bonnie this is wonderful! I have that stamp and need to get it out for these fun challenges. Thanks you so much or your sweet comment.
    Jack is adorable.

  5. The mange!! AH HA HA HA!!! No, no, he does NOT look like he has the mange! I even clicked on him for a better view. But your comment did give me a good laugh! I love the card--the colors are gorgeous--as is sweet little Jack!! =D

  6. Dasher looks great and the card is just super. I didn't know it was retiring. He is sure a beauty!

    Jack is such a doll. He knows where the 'real good stuff' is, doesn't he? LOL I had a great time with my babies last weekend and really miss them. They're so precious.

  7. Dasher looks great Bonnie! I love everything about this card, and those little tags are the perfect touch!

    Oh my, Jack is adorable!!

  8. He doesn't look mangy, he looks natural! That's how deer up here in NJ look with their winter coats. Great card!

  9. Beautiful card. I agree with your statement about SU!'s retirement list and ours lol
    Jack is a cutie! And no doubt will be in that box before much longer. They grow up so fast!

  10. Dasher looks awesome on your pretty card, Bonnie! I'm glad you finally got him before they retired him! I will be using mine for a long time to come and I bet you will too! BTW, Jacki is so cute!! :)
    Thanks for playing along with us this week over at Merry Mondays! :)

  11. Lovely holiday card, and I love that cutie! this age is just fun aren't they?

  12. Another marvelous Merry Monday card, Bonnie! Thanks for sharing the darling picture of Jack, too. He looks like he is all boy and keeps you on your toes!

  13. He looks simply smashing with the touch of sparkle! The tags for the sentiment are marvellous!

  14. Beautiful use of dasher. Love the embossed panel too.

  15. You cracked me up with the 'mange' statement, Bonnie! Too funny.

    Little Jack is AHdorable! Oh my goodness! You must just love to be around him.

  16. Dasher looks great Bonnie, the dazzling antlers do draw the eye! No mange I see! Nope! Thanks for playing with us at Merry Monday!

  17. Love this, Bonnie! Dasher just looks a little vintage, that's all. You know, like one of those vintage velveteen-covered reindeer whose fuzz has rubbed off a little! I don't think you do anything wrong with Dasher---he's always a hit! And so is Jack! What a cutie. Cassidy just tried to climb out of the Pack & Play, and tried to climb up on the counter from a chair to reach a spoon she wanted. Yikes! Thanks for playing with the Merry Monday challenge this week and sharing your creation with us!

  18. Very nice card, Dasher does not look mangy :)Thank you for playing along with Merry Monday.

  19. Great card and Dasher looks very real! I love the gift and tags! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  20. Dasher is fab isn't he? You've done him proud here Bonnie. Cute photo of Jack. x

  21. Hi Bonnie,

    Saw your picture of Jack and his toy box. He is so cute. Just and FYI - double check that the lid can be opened from inside. Several children have died from being locked in hope chest like boxes.

    Love your cards.


  22. I have indeed taken the lock off. And there's a pillow in the hinge so it can't be shut without removing it. And if they've tried to remove it, they've gotten a scolding.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie