
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bidding Upsy Daisy a Fond Goodby

There's a new challenge out there.  It's called Dynamic Duos and it's hosted by the lovely Lesley of Always Playing with Paper.  Here's the scoop on this challenge.

Each week we will have two colours for you to use to create a card, scrapbook page, craft or digital project.  Only the two colours, otherwise known as "The Dynamic Duo", may be used for your project.  Neutrals such as black, brown, white, vanilla, skin colours and kraft are also welcome.  

This weeks challenge is

I love blue and green together!

Upsy Daisy has been a well loved set!  I've done the flowers in so many colors and layouts.  I'm not saying that I'll never use them again, because they'll be on my retired shelf and I don't mind pulling out the retirees.

The layout for this card is from Ariel's retrosketches challenge.  I've loved all the sketches she's posted, but don't always get to use one.  I'm so glad I got to use this sweet sketch.

After stamping, I went back with the fine point of the marker and added faint outlines to the petals and colored the centers of some of the daisies with Limeade.  It still has a soft watercolor effect.

A piece of DSP left over from Sale-a-bration was a perfect backdrop to this design.  (Do you think they picked the colors from this paper.)

Do you see that scalloped edge on top of the design piece?  I decided I needed something up there and did some paper piercing.  I had already put the pieces together and had to pierce from the back in order to get the line straight.  I know now that you really need to pierce from the front!  It badly needed a coverup.  I had this scrap of embossed Adorning Accents Edgelit scallops and with just a little tweaking it covered it up beautifully.  This is one case of a boo boo turning out better than planned.  I'm not telling you about all the plans that went in the circular file.

All supplies are Stampin' Up!

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Upsy Daisy
Ink:  SU Markers (Pool Party, Lucky Limeade)
Paper:  Pool Party, Whisper White, Everyday Enchantment DSP
Other:  Big Shot, Square Lattice EF, Adorning Accents Edgelit die and EF, Pool Party Seam Binding

Thanks so much for your visits and  kind comments.  They really brighten my day.



  1. Such a pretty card Bonnie...these colors were perfect for this set!

  2. Such a beautiful card Bonnie, full of wonderful patterns and texture! Thanks for playing along with us at Dynamic Duos!

  3. One of my favorite sets! Love the green centers you added to the flowers - sweet touch! So happy you joined us this week at Dynamic Duos!

  4. Beautiful card, Bonnie! I really, really like that Upsy Daisy and I love the watercolor effect you did with it. I just discovered the retrosketches today and actually printed out the sketch you used...hoping to get in my room sometime this week to use it!

  5. This is gorgeous! Yes I see the scalloped edges at the top, such a nice touch to this elegant card. Don't you just love this color combo!

  6. Oh, this is beautiful, Bonnie! I love the embossed scallops at the top (never would've guessed they were an "add-on"!), and your gorgeous bow. Upsy Daisy is such a lovely stamp set, and I love how the flowers look watercoloured on your card.

  7. Bonnie this is such a pretty card. Yes, I see the scalloped edge at the top and it sure adds and elegant touch to this one. Don't you just love this color combo!

  8. Your daisies are gorgeous and I love the colours together. x

  9. It certainly is a beautiful colour combination and the markers pick out the different tones of the daisies beautifully. I do rather love the seam binding too!

  10. I just love how you have stamped those gorgeous daisies. What a beautiful card. Thanks for playing along at Dynamic Duos.

  11. Gorgeous card. I don't think we've had that stamp set here in the UK, but maybe I've just missed it in the catalogue. Shame it's retiring, it's beautiful. Great card all round, and yes, those papers were just made for this challenge, weren't they?

  12. Very pretty card Bonnie! The flowers are sooo fresh! So glad you played RetroSketches this week!

  13. What a beautiful card! I love the embossing in the background!
    Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos!

  14. I do love that set and hate for it to retire. What an awesome card and beautiful colors. I love how you covered the boo boo...would have never known. It looks so pretty.

  15. I love your coloring on the flowers! Thanks so much for playing with us at Dynamic Duos!

  16. Thanks for the tip about the new challenge! You know I love those two colors, too. Your card turned out beautifully after all the work and love you put into it!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie