
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Featuring Jodi and Sue

I've gotten behind on the Featured Stampers at SCS, again.  This is for last week's celebrity, Jodi (aka jodi r.)  She has lots of cards I'd like to CASE but I chose this one for the layout that worked with something from my UFO box.  I see that Jodi made her card from scraps. How appropriate is that!

The embossed and colored piece was in the box.  I added a butterfly from Papillon Potpourri that was in the butterfly box. (I have all kinds of boxes.)  I stamped a sentiment, added a narrow black mat and tied a knot in a snippet of ribbon. 

This week's Featured Stamper is Sue (aka Susiespotless).  I love that call name!  Again, such beautiful cards to amaze and inspire us!  I chose this card because it showed me what to do with the pieces I was working with the night before that totally stumped me.  

The flower, which had been stamped on handmade paper, was in my UFO box.  I fussy cut it and found the already embossed piece that I liked it on but couldn't get any further than that.  Then I went to bed and dreamed about that card all night.  Do you do that?  Not the most restful night's sleep!

When I saw Sue's card, it all clicked.  

I found the DP in the scrap box.  I couldn't find any ribbon that I liked so I used a scrap of Elegant Eggplant and my Scallop Trim Border Punch instead. 

I'm caught up with the Featured Stampers for now.  And I'm so excited to be using some of the UFO's.  

Some of you have commented that I should host a UFO challenge.  While I would love to host a challenge, my time is limited right now.  Like some of my blogging friends, I am thinking about slowing down with the blog.  It seems like I'm spending more and more time on the computer and the boys are only going to be little for a while.  Soon they won't want Nana to play with them and I don't want to look back and wish I'd spent more time playing with them and less on the computer.   

So I'll unofficially challenge you to use your UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and your NBUS (Never Before Used Stuff) and your Snippets and just have fun with them.  Isn't that what this is supposed to be all about?  We need to relax and enjoy the craft.  And if they fit in a challenge, so much the better.

I'm taking these to Pixies Crafty Workshop cause I used Snippets.

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted

Card Recipe (card 1)
Stamps: Papillon Potpourri, Short & Sweet
Ink:  Bashful Blue, Certainly Cellery, Tuxedo Black (Memento), SU Markers
Paper:  Bashful Blue, Basic Black, Whisper White
Other:  Bashful Blue Taffeta Ribbon, Bitty Butterfly Punch, Elegant Bouquet EF (retired)

Card Recipe (card 2)
Stamps:  Touch of Nature
Ink:  Perfect Plum
Paper:  Handmade (non SU), Elegant Eggplant, Whisper White, DP (non SU)
Other:  Square Lattice EF, Scallop Trim Corner and Border punches, Bitty Butterfly punch, Basic Pearls 

Thanks for the visit.



  1. 2 fabby cards Bonnie! I too need to use stuff up but I never seem to get round to it!
    Lizy xx

  2. Lovely cards Bonnie. Both are so fresh and clean. x

  3. Very pretty cards Bonnie, I agree with finding the right balance too, :) Cathy x

  4. Hi Bonnie. Two beautiful cards ... love that you used things from your UFO box - good job!

    I also think about cards during the night ... makes for one fit-ful sleep! Obsession does have it's draw-backs :)

    I know what you mean about spending so much time on the computer. The more blogs I follow, the more time ... but it's so fun to see other's creations and I have met so many wonderful crafters on-line who share my passion. So it's hard to cut back but sometimes we have too. I am stepping down from one of my design teams at the end of the month ... just to give me a little more breathing room and less commitments. For now, that's what I need. You need to do what works for you ... and spending times with family definitely is a priority, especially with little ones as they grow up so fast. Loll xx

  5. bonnie, i love all your cards. and i can relate to being a busy person but i sure hope you dont totaly give up the blog, my first time leaving a message but i visit here daily. keep up all your good work

  6. Things really did "click" for you! These are so lovely! The butterflies are magnificent! Gorgeous cards.

  7. Ditto on what everyone has already said! ;-) I love your cards--that butterfly is so beautiful! And I totally agree with what Loll said...your family has got to be your priority. Just don't give up on us completely, OK?? =D

  8. 2 wonderful cards, Bonnie! Great tributes to those ladies!

  9. I LOVE the look of the soft, hazy flowers with the brilliant blue, detailed butterfly!

  10. Beautiful cards again Bonnie. Family must come first but as others have said don't give up on the card making and blogging completely - just change the balance. You're lucky to be able to spend so much time with your little ones - mine live a bit too far away so I only get to spend time with them 2 or 3 times a year.

  11. Always love to see what you have going on... but wise of you to keep the family first! Time with them is so precious and we will all still be here when you do get a moment... Aren't we blessed with such choices?

  12. One way I keep up on my blog and save time is to post once a week but schedule them to show throughout the week automatically. I seldom leave comments (except for your blog) and rarely do blog hops, which also saves a lot of time. I do most of my blog "visiting" at night or early morning, so it doesn't interfere with daily activities. Thanks for the idea of starting a UFO box!

  13. Wow Bonnie, stunning cards as always. And super use of snippets too.

    Already I feel more relaxed and less stressed just by taking a little step back. Wouldn't you know it though, having stepped back a bit there are now tons of ideas whizzing round in my head for more cards!

    Hugs, Di xx

  14. Beautiful cards As always,Bonnie!! I agree with you on the family comes first. The years go by soooo fast. Then you wonder where they went. You go and enjoy those grandkids and family.I will be here waiting for you. :)

  15. I really love the simplicity of the blue card and yes I have done that with a card and come back the next day after wards and known what to do to finish it. Hugs Mrs A.

  16. A feast for the eyes on these lovely cards. Love how you pulled together such a stunner from UFO's. (And yes, I go to bed sometimes thinking about 'how-to' on something I have started!). I enjoyed reading your post about taking more time for family, less on the pc. I think a lot of us are getting in that mode. I love blogging, but it does take a lot of time to return visits, and I feel guilty when I don't & have received such sweet encouragement from other people. I thought it was just Moi - not managing time well. You enjoy those little ones now, because one day, much too soon, they will be too busy to have time for you. Cherish & enjoy each day you have. We'll all wait on our sweet Bonnie, and enjoy all the more, when you have time for cards again. Many Hugs. TFS & being such a marvelous inspiration.

  17. Your cards are stunning creations, as always, Bonnie!

    I have to say a loud, "Amen" to what you are saying about some day soon the boys won't want Nana to play with them. I can speak to that firsthand as already, at only eight, the twinks are involved with sports and in a "snap" those long weekend sleepovers are now a thing of the past. We are lucky to get them one night a month and it seems like only yesterday they were three years old.

    I know your situation is different because of care-giving, but you are still right to think that their interests will change and they will become less dependent.

    I think you'll find your balance. A post one or two days a week, maybe? Even if you completely take a break, I'll be here when you come back!

    Follow your heart - LITS! Mwah! Darnell

  18. Love your cards always have :)

    I follow by email so have your cards every day, I don't always have time to comment, but keep at it so we can all still enjoy them x

  19. Bonnie, I love both of your cards - you're certainly creating beautiful things from your UFO box.

    As for your blog, I love the extra detail it gives (over your SCS postings), but I certainly understand how much time it takes. It is one reason I don't have a blog and limit myself to posting my cards on SCS. Even without a blog, I spend too much time on the computer so I'm cutting back on some of the blogs I've been following. But I will be keeping yours on my list!!!

    I will continue to follow SCS as well as a few select blogs as I love the variety of cards I can see on SCS. I'm always sorry when some stampers stop posting there because they've started a blog. There are only so many blogs a person can look at each day!!

    Enjoy those lovely grandchildren!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie