
Monday, June 3, 2013

Merry Monday Blessings with Holly

Good Merry Monday morning! We have another of Lesley's wonderful CAS sketches this week. 

It's a perfect sketch for using Designer Series Paper isn't it?  

I didn't though.  

I was going to. 

But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  I pulled out an embossing folder instead.  I fear I'm addicted to these things!

I had bought this Memory Box holly die a while back and hadn't used it.  I thought that it would work really well for the banner in the sketc so I cut it from Whisper White and sponged ink on it with eye shadow applicators.  It was a perfect match for the holly embossing folder.

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted

Card Recipe
Stamps:  More Merry Messages
Ink:  Encore Gold, Soft Suede, Garden Green
Paper:  Very Vanilla, Brushed Gold, Whisper White (for holly)
Other:  Gold EP, Holly EF (Sizzix), Holly Branch die (Memory Box), Red Rhinestones (?)

Edited to add:

Festive Friday is having an inspiration challenge this week and this card fits!  Thanks for the tip, Ardyth.

Di is away but she's left the Pixie's playground open so I'm skipping over there with my snippets for a look see at what's going on. And a chance to win some bubbles. 

Before you go over there to take a look, be sure to check out the rest of the Merry Makers Team cards.  You'll be glad you did!

And if you want to get a head start on your Christmas cards, join us at Merry Monday.

Lesley had some exciting news! She is in the top 20 of the Gallery Idol Contest at Paper Crafts Connection.  She'll be posting her next card today and we get to vote for our favorite.  Do go to her blog and check it out.  Congratulations, Lesley!  I'm so happy for you.  (Hope you win the whole shebang!)

I'm so glad you stopped by.  I don't say it often, but your visits and comments mean so much. 



  1. Bonnie, This is simply stunning. I love embossing folders, but never use them enough and that holly vine is the perfect extra touch for this sketch.

  2. Gorgeous card Bonnie. Love the embossing folder you used and you are right, the holly branch is a perfect match. Love how you sponged the ink on it.

  3. Bonnie - this is beautiful! And it fits the Festive Friday Red/Green/Gold challenge - why not link it up?

  4. Ooh, Bonnie, this is stunning. Glad you didn't use designer paper on this one. It's just too awesome without it. The folder is perfect with the holly vine.

  5. Bonnie, I hope you never get over your addiction to embossing folders ~ you are the Queen and I come here for EF inspiration! Well, and friendship, of course! This card is BRILLIANT and so winningly perfect for all the challenges!

  6. Bonnie this is such an elegant card! I love the embossing and the beautiful sentiment.

  7. I hope it's OK to steal (borrow??) Tracey McNeely's word up there, but ELEGANT definitely defines this card! So pretty. Love how you used the sketch too.

  8. I just love this! That little branch is the sweetest thing!

  9. Wow, that card is the definition of elegance! Love how you did the branch - nice take on the sketch!!

  10. Love, Love Love it! I have the folder, now must find the MB die. You used both superbly, and this made a wonderful card. Great coloring on the diecut too. TFS & Hugs.

  11. You made me laugh Bonnie! Have I mentioned how much I love it when you use mostly white? You made it look so interesting with all that texture! Another gorgeous card!
    ps. I keep forgetting to say how much I loved my birthday card - thanks soooooo much!

  12. The holly branch is perfect with the embossing folder, gorgeous Christmas card Bonnie. Cathy x

  13. Really lovely, Bonnie! LOVE the little holly branch with the sweet jewels! Thanks so much for linking it up at Festive Friday and adding to the inspiration there!!! Hope you'll join us again!

  14. Wonderful use of the little holly die - I've only ever cut it out in green and added berries, but you've inspired me to cut it in white and colour it - it looks so lovely that way. A beautiful card!

  15. Such a lovely card and the holly die is so delicate.

  16. So elegant and just beautiful!

  17. Soooooo elegant and classy, Bonnie.
    I have never seen this particular embossing folder and absolutely love it - could you please tell me how makes it?

  18. Excellent combination of products that coordinate perfectly with each other! :)

  19. Oh, I am so glad Ardyth pointed you our way - this is STUNNING! I love the font of your sentiment it's gorgeous! Thank you so much for linking up with Festive Friday - I hope you'll join us again!

  20. Such a pretty card, Bonnie. Love the holly.

  21. Wahoo Bonnie, totally stunning! This jumped right out of the linky thumbnails at me - I adore it. The holly is such a beautiful twist to an already super card.

    Hugs, Di xx

  22. Bonnie your card is so elegant and such a stunning take on the sketch this week. Just Beautiful!

  23. Hi Bonnie . . . such a great Christmas card and I love the layout.

    Sarn xxx

  24. Beautiful Christmas card Bonnie - love that embosing folder!

  25. Beautiful card. I do love the embossing.

  26. Love the CAS design, your holly is the perfect touch!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie