
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spring Garden for Queen Phyllis

This is the card I made for last week's Queen for the Day, Phyllis (aka tater), at SCS.  I used this card to CASE.  I really enjoyed exploring Phyllis' gallery.  So many new ideas for me there.

The image came from my UFO box.  This box is getting so full that I need to concentrate on making cards just from this box for a while!

The stamp set is a very old set called Spring Garden.  I have a lot of images that I stamped from the set.  I can probably make at least 20 cards from these images alone!

Shopping our Stash has asked us to use our oldest stamp.  This is probably the oldest image in my UFO box too!

Pixie's Crafty Workshop is always looking for cards made with snippets.  All but the main card were snippets. 

I did a second card with another of the same image.  I had stamped it twice on the same scrap of paper.  So I thought I'd get it on a card too.

I had this piece that I had cut off the Simply Sent Happy Hello card sets that was in the Sale-a-bration catalog.  I cut the cards up to get more mileage out of them.  This was a card back that I had embossed and didn't use.  This one went together really fast.

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted

Card Recipe
Stamps: Spring Garden
Ink:  Not QUite Navy, Old Olive
Paper:  Whisper White, Midnight Muse, DP (from a friend)
Other:  2 1/2" Scallop Circle Punch, 1 3/4" Circle Punch, White Taffeta Ribbon (card 1), Nestie Lacy Scallop Circle (Spellbinders; card 1), Basic Pearls (card 1)

I think I'm going to challenge myself to only use images from my UFO box for a while and see if I can get the contents down.

Thanks so much for stopping by.



  1. 2 fab cards Bonnie! I have a few UFO's I could od with using too!
    Lizy xx

  2. Both cards are fabulous. How the dark blue on the second card dramatizes the image along with the addition of the pearls to the flowers. Lovely effect. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. And maybe, just maybe, you should START a UFO challenge here on your blog!! Wouldn't that be FUN??!! ;-)

    These cards are just lovely! The second one looks like a dainty little purse--love it!!

  4. You are taunting me with that EF, Bonnie LOL! Love that image and that set. You used it wonderfully.

  5. Two beautiful cards using that fabulous watercolor image. Love it done in blue! Good on you for using up pieces from your UFO box ... love that name by the way! I have several small boxes of leftover images and every once in a while it comes in handy. But I definitely add more than I take out :( Will have to work on that too. Loll xx

  6. Two wonderful cards! I think they are both freat but am partial to the second onel. I think it is because I always associate you with fabulous white embossed cardstock backgrounds!!!
    Love that is from UFO's and should challenge us all to do the same!

  7. 2 fabulous cards! Love your color choices & the dry embossing & the watercolor look--everything!

  8. Great job on both cards, Bonnie! I remember that water color image and I always loved it. You have done such a stunning job with these colors and using up your snippets!! xxoo Darnell

  9. Two brilliant cards here. Love the colours.

    Sarn xxx

  10. Brilliant cards there Bonnie! Love the image - and the way you used the embossing on the second card just gave me a great idea how to use some ready embossed card I bought eons ago - so thank you for that!

    Hugs, Di xx

  11. Both are gorgeous Bonnie! Love the colors and the pearls! Took me a bit to figure out what a UFO box was! Awesome work!

  12. Both lovely cards, I especially like the shaped one

  13. BOTH are so lovely! Love the designs you used too.

  14. Two very delightful cards, but I really like that 2nd one...another elegant rich looking card. Love the little flower images..looks watercolored. Can't wait to see more of your UFO's! TFS

  15. Both are lovely cards, Bonnie. I especially love the colours in the first one. And I like your idea of trying to only use pieces from your UFO box. I should try to do that too!

  16. Forgot to say in my comment - thanks for mentioning the Shopping our Stash challenge blog - great idea to base challenges on what people have in their stash!!

  17. Soo pretty! Great colors and sentiment!

    Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

    Hugs, Alica ;)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie