
Monday, December 2, 2013

Merry Monday Chalkboard Technique

If you've been playing along at Merry Monday all year, you have a full box of Christmas cards.  Two years ago, I was just getting into the 'make the Christmas cards' mode and in a panic.  

Thanks to Lesley's challenge, I have my Christmas cards done in plenty of time this year. 

Sigh, it's so nice!

Here's my card for this week's challenge.

The challenge this week is

Chalkboard Technique?

I have not been a fan of this technique because I never have liked a dirty dusty chalkboard! Even when I was a little girl, I would ask to stay after school and clean the chalkboards!  How could I intentionally smear up a chalkboard?

But, in looking at this lovely inspiration photo, I noticed the Kraft background and thought that would be a good idea.  It won't show the smears so bad maybe.

Then I thought of blowing snow and thought if I created a snowy scene I could trick myself into not seeing a dirty chalkboard.

Hence a Kraft colored chalkboard with blowing snow not chalk dust.  I'm almost convinced that I like this technique.

After seeing the rest of the design team's cards, I'm liking this technique even better.  Do go and check them out.

Then smear chalk up a card of your own and bring it over to Merry Monday to share with us.

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Warmth and Wonder, Greetings of the Season
Ink:  Whisper White
Paper:  Naturals White, Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake
Other:  White EP, Cherry Cobbler Baker's Twine, Stitched Frames Rectangles (Lil Inkers)

Thanks for the visit and for all your encouragement with your comments.  That means so much to me!



  1. Bonnie, I love that you used this fun technique on kraft! Very creative and lovely card.

  2. Chalkboard on Kraft, why didn't I think of that? Looks great Bonnie! Love this stamp set and I love the border around your image.

  3. Great job Bonnie. So glad your aversion to dirty blackboards ... or kraftboards :) ... didn't stop you from creating this fabulous card. love it done on the kraft and with the red border ... perfection! Loll xx

  4. Hahaha! I smeared mine too...but it is hard to tell. Love that you went with kraft! Another great card!

  5. Love this Bonnie! I really like it in this color instead of the black. SO pretty!

  6. LOL, I love your (ahem) smeared chalkboard fact, that stamp is due from the man in brown TODAY so I may just have to get it inked up in some white ink myself! LOVELY!

  7. You're funny, Bonnie! But I can so relate to your feelings about unkempt chalkboards! Remember going outside, banging the erasers together and watching the chalk dust fly?

    The twins play with one we have had in the garage since Dan was a boy. Adam was using it yesterday and asking me how old it was, and making comments about the eraser, etc. Finally I said, "Don't you have erasers at your school?" That's when I found out that schools now all use white boards!!

    Your kraft and red card with a blizzard swirling around your pretty tree is genius!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Hi Bonny :
    your card is just lovely I love your tree and snowflakes great design.

  9. Love your kraft black board! with the lovely framing and pretty twine!

  10. Fabulous card Bonnie, the kraft look wonderful and that little tree is so cute.

  11. Love your take on the chalkboard technique and your reasoning for it!!!

  12. Haha, I love your reasoning. I wasn't sure I liked this technique either until I made a card. I just used my blending tool and did around the corners. I do love it on kraft, though.

  13. Gorgeous Bonnie. Love the Kraft background. Well done.

  14. Too funny. I myself hate the dust that stays with you all day after you've written on the board... but this card... wunnerful. And you are so good to get your cards done all year long instead of at the last minute.

  15. Great idea to use kraft instead of black to soften that smeared look! I can so relate to liking clean chalkboards! Love the design and layout of your card!

  16. Chalkboard on kraft is so so brilliant Bonnie--Love you card!!

  17. Yep, I totally saw swirling snow there! Love the kraft--just gorgeous!

  18. I'm not a fan of the chalkboard technique either, so I really like what you did turning it into a snowy scene! I'll have to put my thinking cap on for this Merry Monday challenge.

  19. Finally... someone with the same feelings about chalkboards as I have. I've never done this technique because my chalkboards were never smeared with chalk dust (except maybe in the middle of a lesson when I couldn't stop and wash them)! LOL! But, if I was putting something on the board that would remain for a while such as a spelling list or the like, that would definitely be on a freshly cleaned board, so I can't see stamping a lovely stamp on paper and then smearing it up! LOL!!! When I was teaching, my chalkboards got washed every day and maybe even multiple times during the day depending on how much they were being used that day. Whatever had been written on them was much more likely to be removed with a wet sponge and not a dusty old eraser! LOL!

  20. Hi Bonnie! Ohhh, I can feel the Brrrr in your card. What a wonderful take on the challenge. The Kraft is fabulous with the chalkboard technique.

  21. Your kraft chalkboard is brilliant. Love the smudges (brave of you), and your hand drawn frame.

  22. This is as sweet as can be! Love the chalkboard on kraft!

  23. Ooh, I LOVE this done on Kraft. I've never tried the chalkboard technique but you really make me want to give it a whirl. Hope I can play this week....just not sure. Your card is a beauty.

  24. I have to admit, I haven't joined the chalkboard trend, but when I saw your kraft card I thought maybe I'll join in after all. This is just great Bonnie!

  25. Lovely card Bonnie, I like that you used a different colour for your chalkboard and your story about swirling snow.

  26. Oh Bonnie, I love the chalkboard technique done on the Kraft paper!! Beautifully done and that twine just makes it even better! Great job! Happy Holidays, my friend!! :)

  27. Hi Bonnie
    Fabulous card.... Must try this chalkboard technique out
    Stunning card......
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  28. Great look on this kraft background. I am seeing so much of the chalkboard technique, but not checked out the how-to as yet. It looks lovely the way you did it, and I do prefer it on the kraft as compared to the black I've been seeing. You picked a perfect stamp to use on this card too. TFS & Hugs

  29. Great card Bonnie. Love the chalkborad technique on the kraft.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie