
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Evergreen in Gold

The challenge at Festive Friday has a beautiful image

Isn't this gorgeous?

I focused on the shine, the gold and the bit of Orchid.

I wish the bird would photograph as pretty as it is IRL.  It was die cut from a piece of foil Origami paper that was a gift from a lovely lady that joined us for Papercrafting for a while. She's since moved but I always think of her when I use her paper. 

Which isn't often.

I'm a paper hoarder.

Simon Says Monday Challenge says WE LOVE STAMPS. I love stamps too and this Evergreen stamp is so pretty when it's heat embossed with gold.

Shopping Our Stash is OH, SHINY!  I think the embossed trees are shiny and the bird is certainly shiny.

We're waiting for a winter storm.  Some of our state had quite a bit of snow today.  We only saw a quick flurry.  Tomorrow looks like a lot more snow with sleet and freezing rain.  For any of you in the path of this storm, stay safe.

Hubby just came from the grocery store and said they had plenty of bread!

North Carolinians are notorious for hitting the grocery store for milk and bread at the mention of snow.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


Card Recipe

Stamps: Evergreen, Many Merry Messages (retired)
Ink:  Encore Gold
Paper:  Very Vanilla, Brushed Gold
Other:  Gold EP, Square Lattice EF, Birch Tree Die (Impression Obsession)

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted


  1. Bonnie, I'll be thinking about y'all and this horrible storm heading your way! Stay safe!!!
    Love your card too - and I can see the shine on that cute little bird. So pretty!

  2. LOTS of birds out there right now. Your card is precious bonnie. I love birds.
    Please stay safe with the coming storm. This one is supposed to be a bad one.


  3. Bonnie, what a gorgeous card. Those trees are fabulous and you know I like that bird. I can just imagine how beautiful it is irl.

    Be warm and be safe.

  4. Oh a purple cardinal! You know I love it! Really pops against that gorgeous gold & cream too. This is just beautiful - no surprise at that comment! SC folk are the same way when we hear 'weather'. Floridians do the same thing when they hear "hurricane". It's mad dash to the store, stock up. You never know when you might be homebound! Glad your stores still had bread. I heard that yes'dy, one of ours was bare shelves (my SIL went out yes'dy am...I did it Sun pm). You stay safe, hope the power stays on. Hugs & TFS

  5. I have this tree and every time I see someone using it, I am reminded of why I bought it. But it remains uninked. I love how you've used it here. And I know that shimmery paper you're talking about - it's hard to capture,but I'm sure it's beautiful! Thanks so much for joining us at Festive Friday!

  6. Glad to see I am not the only one that makes holiday cards all year 'round! I love the purple on your tiny bird - adds such a great focal point!!!

  7. Love the gold and the texture--and your gorgeous bird!!

    Take care in the storm--we're supposed to get slammed down here. We might dig out in a week or two! ;-)

  8. Love that tree from Evergreen. This is a lovely Christmas card... and I can see the pretty sparkle on the bird, too!

  9. Gorgeous card. I love gold embossing so Chrixtmassy! Hope you don't get too much snow! Its the same here in the shops - a few flakes and the shelves are cleared of everything! This year though we just have wet and more wet, oh and wind as well!

  10. Beautiful card Bonnie. Love the added bird.

    Not just North Carolinians go for milk and bread, we do to, at the mention of snow and we get nothing by comparison.

    You may have seen on the News it's floods for us at the moment, thankfully we are not affected, but literally thousands are.

  11. Very elegant Bonnie. The gold embossing is perfect on a Christmas card. Beautiful card.

  12. Great interpretation of the challenge photo, Bonnie! Love the gold trees and the way the embossing folder mimics the texture on some of the ornaments!

  13. Why is it always milk and bread at the mention of a storm? Why not whiskey and wine? Or in my case, cat food and more cat food...?! Vodka and cheese. Red meat and string beans. TOILET PAPER! Holy cow, you don't want to run out of that.

    Back to the topic at hand, great sparkly Christmas card. I love the purple bird and his bit of texture. Very nice!

  14. Oh so very pretty Bonnie!! I love the gold trees with the tiny purple bird! So pretty!! ! So happy you joined us at Festive Friday! :)

  15. Gorgeous card Bonnie and it's really awful here too today glad we did some shopping yesterday! huggles Sue xx

  16. I love your shiny little bird in your shiny pretty trees, Bonnie!! Take care there in the storms. I'm glad to hear you are well prepared in case you get slammed! Hugs, Darnell

  17. Love the tiny splash of colour with the bird on your card. Very Klass. We have had bad winds and heavy rain all day today so I baked a loaf of bread. Milk is running out so will have to venture out tomorrow. It's a bit like playing cat and mouse here with the weather. If the wind and rain stops you make a mad dash for the shops and hope you can get back indoors before it all starts up again!! Hugs Mrs A.

  18. What a gorgeous card, Bonnie. Love that pop of color from the little birdie! Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

  19. So pretty!!! Thanks for playing along with us at Shopping Our Stash for this week's "Oh Shiny!!" challenge

  20. Love, love, love gold Christmas cards. The little pop of purple really draws your eye in.

  21. Such a gorgeous card! Love the beautiful simple and clean look. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie