
Monday, April 14, 2014

Merry Monday Country Landscape

My goodness but the weekend flew by!

Now it's Merry Monday time again.

Karen chose this challenge for us.

I  had to think long and hard to decide what to do 
and I still wasn't sure what I was going to do when I started.

I'm really pleased with the results though.

And it was fun to be challenged.

I used some white craft ink refill and an old toothbrush for the snow in the sky.

I die cut the village and sponged the tree trunks and houses with an eye shadow applicator then covered the roofs and trees with 
Martha Steward Sparkle Texture Effects.

The bottom snowbank was cut freehand and the square frame cut on my paper cutter.

I outlined the frame and snowbanks with Dazzling Details.

Now it's your turn.

You'll find wonderful inspiration, at Merry Monday
Do go to see the fantastic cards that the Design Team have come up with.

I'm so glad you stopped by.

Card Recipe
Stamps:  To you and Yours (retired)
Ink:  Basic Gray
Paper:  Crumb Cake, Whisper White, Basic Gray
Other:  Country Landscape Die (Memory Box), Whisper White Ink RefillDazzling Details, Linen Thread, Paper Cutter

All supplies are Stampin' Up! unless otherwise noted.


  1. Hi Bonnie
    Fabulous card....
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  2. Beautiful Bonnie! Love all that snow!!!!

    Deanne :)

  3. I often wondered how I could make snow falling and now I know. I am not much of a snow fan after this past winter but this card I like anyway. Thanks for a new tool next time I make an image like this.

  4. Love it, Bonnie. It's a wonderful sky and snow bank. Love the village. Makes me cold looking at it. It is so icy and snowy.

  5. love your card ...the little village is so tiny but you made it look awesome on this card Thank you so much for sharing and sharing on how you made the card.

  6. Love your little scene - very pretty! Had a little chuckle as well about your "non crafty" tools. Very innovative!

  7. Gorgeous winter scene! Love all the shine on this too.

  8. Love your wintery scene, Bonnie :)

  9. Fabulous card Bonnie, I love the pretty winter scene you have created. Have a great week.

  10. Gorgeous card Bonnie:) huggles Sue xx

  11. Love the toothbrush bit, your card is beautiful

  12. I love your sweet scene, Bonnie! The snow looks perfect! Have a great week and a very Happy Easter!

  13. Great job on the card! My brain can't remember the colors from one second to the next, let alone come up with something. I'm loving this though!

  14. I am so loving this card Bonnie! I love the white and the kraft colors together, makes that snow scene even more striking! I also love the little village scene and love how you did the snow in the sky. It looks like you even have a shooting star in your snow storm. lol Love, love this card and always have love that sentiment. Hugs

  15. Such a beautiful card, Bonnie! Love the wintery scene you created with these non traditional colors! I just hope it doesn't look like that here in PA today! Yikes! Have a great week my friend and Happy Easter! :)

  16. This is going into my favourites - I love it! Great use of the sparkle texture effects and a beautiful cold snowy sky!

  17. So cute! I love LOVE the textures--the snow is awesome!!

  18. Oh, Bonnie, this is amazing. LOVE everything about it (especially the touches of glittering snow)!

  19. The colors look wonderful on this winter scene Bonnie!

  20. Absolutely lovely Bonnie. You knocked this one out of the park!

  21. Lovely. Let me say though, that toothbrush thing is not so easy when I did it! Your effect is wonderful. Made beautiful attempt just made blobs. Loved the texture you got on the houses too. This is a beautiful card Bonnie. You aced this challenge all the way. TFS

  22. This is amazingly pretty :) love the beautiful scene n that silvery sky !

  23. Such a beautiful and serene wintery scene on your perfectly lovely card.

  24. This is too, too cute and too, too clever, Miss Bonnie! Love your snowy little houses!

  25. I just love this wee scene you have created Bonnie. So serene. The touches of glitter just make it so pretty, and I love the sentiment too. I hope you have a wonderful Easter :-)

  26. Loving this with the twine. The glitter is a super touch. x

  27. This is gorgeous and really Christmas elegant! I love what you did with the glitter and the twine is wonderful with it twine and the kraft too!

  28. Wowzer--this is just spectacular, Bonnie! LOVE it!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie