
Friday, April 1, 2016

Best Thoughts with Color Lifting

Awhile ago, Jennifer McGuire showed a Distress Ink Lifting technique.

Of course I had to try it.

I wasn't as easy as Jennifer makes it look, but I finally got a passable image to share.

I ended up cutting it out because I went outside the lines.
(Grossly outside the lines.)

It made for an interesting layout, I think.

After lifting some of the color off the flower, 
I dropped some Picked Raspberry on the wet petals 
and I got more of the Mowed Lawn on the leaves and stem.

Here is another version the I consider one of my
Blunders and Boo Boos.

I'm not sure if this is what Darnell has in mind for her

Check it out on April 1st.

Sounds like fun!

Come back this afternoon to see the new

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Best Thoughts (SU), Kind Words (Verve)
Ink:  Distress, Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper:  Solar White (Neena)
Other: White EP (SU), Stitched Circle Dies (Lil' Inker), Brick EF (Sizzix), Clear Wink of Stella


  1. What a beautiful card! I haven't had a chance to try that technique, but it is always good to know when it isn't as easy as it looks so I won't be so frustrated. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These don't look like Boo Boos to me Bonnie! Another video technique saved for me to try!

  3. LOVE this unusual layout Bonnie my friend! Look fabulous to me . . . boo boo? That's the April Fool joke ... right? TFS. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  4. they don't look like boo-boo's to me - love the colors you used - and anxious to see the new CAS Mix challenge!

  5. We are our own worst critics.......I think both cards are very, very pretty!!!

  6. Both absolutely beautiful cards, who would know this wasn't what you intended, LOVE them.

  7. Oooo, these are beautiful cards, Bonnie. Your boo-boos bloomed. :)

  8. Wow!! If these are your boo boos you are doing amazingly well!! Stunning coloring : ) and I love that textured EF you used.


  9. I didn't see a boo boo. I think it is beautiful. But I guess we are our worst critics in this activity.

  10. Such a beautiful card. Looks fabulous to me! x

  11. Both cards are beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  12. Both look fab to me, funny how we are so self critical. Cara X

  13. A duo of dazzling blooms, Bonnie! If my oopsies were as undetectable as yours, I'd be saving a whole lot of supplies! Such prettiness here...

  14. I think both are great! I understand what you're calling your boo-boo-s, but I can assure you, the recipient of either of these 2 pretties, would not think it so! Love what you've done with the technique..which I have yet to try! Happy A/F and TFS. Hugs

  15. Oh, yes, that's a great Boo Boo, Bon Bon!! I was just talking about this very thing with Aileen and how I've been painting away and not noticed that I was painting leaves and not petals! Grrr! I'm glad it happens to others!! I have to say, though, that you turned it into a gorgeous card - everyone would think it was very arty!! And, BTW, your first card is utterly stunning! I'm so in love with that stamp/die! Happy April Fool's Day and thank you so much for playing in my first BFCBB Hop!! Hugs, Darnell

  16. Bonnie I am looking and looking to spot the mistake then finally I think I have it. If its because of the leave being the same colour as the flower think of all those people who do cards deliberately all one colour, perfect fix. Love this stamp and the colours used. Beautiful card.

  17. These cards are gorgeous!! And I LIKE blue leaves!!! :) TFS.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  18. I haven't even tried this technique yet! But your first card is absolutely stunning Bonnie! I think you got this technique right with this one. Your second card looks beautiful too, just a little more subtle and nothing wrong with subtle! I am loving this one as well. Besides don't they say practice makes perfect?!! I can't even imagine any of your cards having boo boo's. Hugs, Brenda

  19. At first look these are gorgeous! TFS your colouring boo boo - maybe the leaves and petals are the same colour in this type of flower?

  20. I only wish my card booboos looked this good! The colors look amazing on both cards, but somebody stole the stem on the 2nd card! :) I likey :)

  21. Don't be too hard on yourself, it looks great to me!

  22. Great job with the colour lifting technique Bonnie. Your hydrangea is gorgeous, and I love the variations of colours and shading. xx

  23. All I can see are two gorgeous cards where's the boo boo ? I wish I could watercolour so well. Then again we are our own worst critics aren't we.


  24. I love your card. Blue is mt fav colour

    Well done

    Lilian B

  25. Don't you know it's artsy to watercolour outside the lines? And who says leaves cannot be blue? Just call it monochromatic and you're good to go LOL.

  26. Love the finished article. Definitely benefits from the added purple and green hues. Gorgeous card x

  27. They are beautiful! And you know, if we always coloured inside the lines, we'd never create anything new!

  28. Gotta say I love the coloring on the flower and the brick window is just genius. Beautiful card even if it was a boo boo.

  29. I watched that video, too, but still haven't given it a shot. Your card is gorgeous, Bonnie--love the ink combinations!

  30. I think that they are both pretty cards!

  31. Well I think they both look great. Not a technique I've tried - will have to check it out.

  32. Even your mistakes are awesome. I often think that most of our boo-boos are just that the card didn't come out like we envisioned. I really like your attempts at this technique and find no fault with them.

  33. Oh, boy - you have high standards!! That card is gorgeous - especially the first version!

  34. Both of your cards are fabulous. You are too hard to yourself. :-)

  35. This hydrangea is a beautiful stamp Bonnie and I think your colour lifting has worked fabulously and even your blunder and boo boo is really pretty. x


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie