
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

NBUS Large Solid Flower

The other day I posted a NBUS card  using my latest addition to the NBUS pile.

I was determined to use the oldest addition to my NBUS box.

It had been in that box for 3 years!

It took about 10 minutes to get the card  made.

What was I waiting for?

The sentiment is from a NBUS set too.

Not quite as old, but nearly.

Thanks, Darnell, for inspiring me to use these NBUS stamps.

I really should stop buying things and use all I have.

I hate to see what that would do to the economy!

Anyway, here's a link to Darnell's NBUS challenge

How old is your oldest NBUS?

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Large Solid Flower, Fancy Basics (HA)
Ink:   Tangerine Tango, Real Red (SU), Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper:   Solar White (Neena 110 lb.)


  1. Haha, you are too funny! And right - we can't stop buying because that might ruin the whole stamping industry and that would be irresponsible! Your card is striking and reminds me that I have that same stamp...

  2. You & me both, Bonnie! I have to say I've cut way back since retiring, but then someone has an irresistible sale & my will power goes out the window--like yesterday--haha! Wonderful flower & you made such a striking card with it!

  3. Fabulous card, love the vibrant red and the shine.

    Aren't we all doing the same thing LOL. I have SO many digis I haven't used and papers that I simply couldn't do without and never used. What a sin!

  4. Wow Bonnie! This is stunning - and I hate to even think how much NBUS I have here, sigh.


    Di xx

  5. Great looking card. Love the sentiment stamp boldness with the flower stamp and colors. And 10 minutes to make -- now that's a handy card design to keep in mind. I am on a kick not to buy more stamping stuff until I use what I have at least once....we'll see how long that lasts (smiley face).

  6. Lovely card! Such a bright and bold flower, perfect for CAS cards.

  7. Your designs and art work always captivate me!
    sandy xx

  8. WOW! This is stunning .... I love the large flower especially in the bold colour xx

  9. Simply Beautiful Bonnie! TFS my friend. Hugs, Nancy

  10. Love your card, but also love your post! The comment about what it would do to the economy if we stopped buying supplies made me laugh. There was an interview on the Canadian public radio the other day with an economist who said that people spend too much time on hobbies hinder the economy!! I laughed out loud listening to him as I mentally added up some of what I've spent on supplies recently! I also like your question about what is our oldest NBUS - I think I might have a couple of die cuts that are 5 years old!

  11. You were waiting for the proper kick in the behind... or maybe for the proper alignment of stars and planets. I think we all ask ourselves that when we finally use something that we've had lying around forever and it all happens so easily. THis is a great card with nice bold blooms.

  12. This is a beautiful, CAS card in a style I have not yet mastered! Love the bright red. The stamp itself seems to be textured! What a wonderful effect, Bonnie!

  13. Stunning card Bonnie - I think my oldest NBUS is a wee bit younger than yours :-)

  14. Glad it came together so quickly... or was that so slowly? Either way, you got there in the end! Just goes to show... you never know when inspiration will strike. X

  15. Well, I'm the last person to judge anyone on how much NBUS they have or how old it is, but I have to agree, "What were you waiting for, Bonnie?!!!" That bloom is totally beautiful and so is the sediment! It's one of those QACAS cards that packs a huge wallop! Congratulations for using your oldest NBUS and thanks for playing in my challenge again!! Hugs, Darnell


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie