
Monday, June 12, 2017

Embossing Gel Try

Hi, y'all.

Today's card isn't what I had in mind when I started.

I had a NBUS  stencil from Penny Black and thought embossing paste would work well with it.

When I pulled out my box with the embossing pastes, gels, etc.,
I saw the NBUS translucent embossing gel and thought of all 
those backgrounds needing to be used.

So I picked the one I thought would be best for these flowers
and almost chickened out.
It was such a pretty background that I hated to take a chance on ruining it!
Do you ever do that?

Well, I took a deep breath and proceeded, telling myself that I could always do another background.

Well, it didn't work.  Aargh!

The flowers were totally lost on the background.

But I didn't want to waste that background.
After all it was one of my favorites.

I remembered my dear friend Loll having a similar experience with a stencil.
She cut out the flower and put it on a  CAS card.

So I used ink to stencil the design on a piece of white cardstock
(you can't go wrong with white. It goes with everything).

I cut out the gelled flowers and popped them on the stems.
Maybe not what I originally intended, but fit to send.

This month's CAS Mix Up challenge
My mixed media are stamping, embossing gel through a stencil, ink through a stencil, 
fussy cutting and die cuts.

I'll take this over to Simon Says Monday Challenge: Touchy Feely too.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Lots of Thanks (SSS)
Ink:   VersaFine Onyx Black, Mowed Lawn, Sun Sugar (D)
Paper: Primrose Petals (SU), White (Neena)  
Other:  Flower Dance Stencil (PB), Texture Paste Transparent Gloss (Ranger)


  1. Well, it may not be what you intended Bonnie, but it has turned out FABULOUS!! A great save! Have a wonderful week my friend! Love & Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  2. Yes I can totally empathize with your blog post. Your card has turned out fabulously and the colours are gorgeous. I have been playing with translucent paste and opaque pastes this week and learning how different they are and then how different they are on different card, colours etc. Don't we just love playing and learning new techniques? Great post and love your very pretty card x

  3. Stunning flowers, Bonnie! It's amazing what a "make-it-work" moment can bring - love this!!

  4. Great save Bonnie. This is so beautiful.

  5. This is so pretty Bonnie and I can empathise with your not wishing to waste it moment, and cutting the flowers and putting them on another card with those great stencilled leaves and stems has worked brilliantly. x

  6. What a brilliant recovery, Bonnie. You've created a beautiful CAS card. xx

  7. So gorgeous, my friend!! LOVE the glossy flower blossoms. Great save fussy-cutting them. The colours are amazing. xx

  8. Gorgeous card Bonnie, great save too, the flowers look wonderful, such pretty colours, Cathy x

  9. What a great save - those moments really do stretch our creativity!! The is a stunning card Bonnie

  10. Beautiful card Bonnie, great save those glossy flowers look amazing on this wonderful background layout.
    Hugs Pam x

  11. I guess just meant to be because it turned out lovely with an interesting look. I am learning gotta go with the flow and go wherever creative process are good at that...and also good at fixing boo-boos(smiley face).

  12. I'm not sure what you had in your mind Bonnie, but I do know this is a beautiful card! I love your flowers and leaves. The colors on the flowers look so beautiful!! I can see some shine from the embossing gel, although I don't know what embossing gel is. lol Glad you were able to save your beautiful paper that you made!! Hugs, Brenda

  13. Fabulous save, Bonnie - such lovely colours for the flowers! Love the stitched borders and the thin strip of pink around the edge!

  14. So pretty, amazing save and fussy cutting. It looks beautiful against the white background.

  15. Had to laugh at all your trials with this card Bonnie, but good thing you persevered as it turned out SO pretty! I have that same stencil and have not ever used it either...I think you inspired me to get it out and give it a try!! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  16. Love the flower techniques and card design Bonnie.

    Hugs Diane

  17. So happy you saved your stenciled flowers. They are Gorgeous!!! Definitely and touchy feely kind of card. TFS my friend. Hugs...

  18. Wow, that looks like an alcohol ink background and I sure understand why you are so fond of it! It's fabulous, Bonnie! Great save on some of it too! The card turned out beautiful!

  19. You're telling my story, Bonnie. I had a similar thing happen to me. You made a great save because those glossy flowers look beautiful.

  20. Beautiful Bonnie! I don't have this stencil but I have a similar stamp from PB. I need to try this with it! Love a good challenge! hoho Thanks for sharing!

  21. Wonderful colors on your die cut blooms Bonnie! I have never used gels (one thing I don't own!!??!!) Your background was put to great use here! Julia xx

  22. This is such a beautiful card! Love the gorgeous flowers. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  23. Fabulous card Bonnie. Beautiful save too, so smart! Love those gelled flowers, makes those gorgeous colours pop! xx


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie