
Monday, September 3, 2018

A Little Wreath for CAS Christmas

Hello, friends.  Glad you could pop in today.

It's time for a new challenge at
CAS Christmas

Nance is our host this month and she chose

I had this NBUS stamp that needed to be inked and I thought
it would be sweet with a wreath hanging from it.

Using my MISTI, I stamped the lantern on Mixed Media paper 
with a mini cube of Black Soot Distress ink
being careful not to get it on the candle.

I inked the candle with Distress Markers and used a 
damp waterbrush to smooth the colors.

When I was happy with the stamping, I cleaned the stamp
and inked it with an embossing ink pad
and heat embossed with clear embossing powder.

Then I proceeded to do a wash in the background.

What, you don't see a wash?

That's because it was HORRIBLE!

I don't know what I was thinking about while I was painting,
but it wasn't the project at hand!

So....when all else fails, fussy cut what works.

And that's what I did.

The wreath was some little punched and die cut sprigs
glued to a die cut ring.

I added some little red jewels for berries and added a gold bow
and the card was saved.


And my sweet friend Mary brought me some Nuvo Crystal Glaze
so I added that where the glass would be.

Ooh, I like that stuff!!!

I hope you'll try a wreath and join us at

Our Guest Designer Birgit (Rapport fran ett skrivbord) and
the rest of the Design Team have done some beautiful wreaths to inspire you.

This also fits at CAS Mix Up since I inked the candle with a marker.

CAS Christmas: Wreath
CAS Mix Up (inked the stamp with a marker, stamping, heat embossing and die cuts.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Cones and Berries (PB), Season's Wishes (PB)
Ink:   Black Soot (DI), Festive Berries, Mustard Seed, Wild Honey (DM), Versafine Onyx Black, WOW Embossing Pad
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 400 series), Neenah, Naturals White (ret. SU)
Other:  Clear EP (SU), Sprig Punch (MS), Pine Sprigs Die (IO), Framelits Circle Collection (SU), Nuvo Crystal Glaze, Stately EF (Crafts Concepts)


  1. What a pretty wreath on that lamp post, Bonnie!

  2. Love this, Bonnie! I love all the detail you put into it down to the shiny glass on the lamp. Had a wonderful day catching up and crafting! Have a great week! Hugs my friends!

  3. A wonderful vintage lamp post with a beautiful green wreath hung on it!!

  4. Thank you for sharing the process of your making this card, Bonnie! It was a mini suspense drama. I was really looking for the wash and went back to the photo and ... Anyway, you created a wonderful winter street corner scene with a pretty wreath at the end. Love this black lantern with the shiny glass! Hideko xx

  5. Beautifully done! And yes, I have had to fussy cut some of my cards...(to fix things...

  6. Just love the lamp with the wreath, Bonnie! So pretty with the glowing yellow from the lamp!!

  7. Beautiful card, Bonnie! My first card/idea was a lamp post, too, but when I saw your card I changed it to a door scene. Your inking/stamping is fantastic. Love Crysta Glaze too and using it for the lamp glass is perfect. xx

  8. Beautiful design Bonnie. Love that sweet wreath hanging on the lamp post. Gorgeous CAS design! The dry embossed scored frame adds some extra texture. Great work with fussy-cutting. I can't tell you how many times I've made a background that just doesn't work, but fussy-cutting saves the image. :) xx

  9. What an awesome 'save' - I would never have known it was a save if you had not mentioned it. Love the wee wreath hanging from the lamp post.

  10. Your card turned out great....what a save with fussy cutting. I need to remember to think fussy cutting before trash can(!) I get such a peaceful feeling looking at this card...nostalgic thoughts of past eras. And love how you put that little wreath together.

  11. Don't you just love how our cards evolve into something either totally different or just not live we had envisioned. Beautiful lantern with that sweet wreath. Lovely card, Bonnie. Hope you are having a great week.

  12. This is a gorgeous card Bonnie! I love the lamp post and the little wreath you made to hang on it. I would have never known you fussy cut out the lamp if you had not told us. It doesn't look like it! Love the embossed lines too, give so much texture to the card. A wonderful CAS card my friend and a great save too! Hugs, Brenda

  13. Your lamp post is fantastic, Bonnie and love the wreath you created. I've tried to create one but I'm all thumbs with those. I got a chuckle out of the wash too- because I've never had the nerve to try that. I did once but ended up painting the whole card. This turned out beautifully and great save with your fussy cutting.

  14. Very nice! What a fancy little wreath. yes, when in doubt, cut it out! :-)

  15. Simply beautiful and so life like Bonnie. Always nice when you can salvage something out of a boo boo. Well done!

  16. So pretty Bonnie, love the glow of your street lamp and that beautiful wreath.
    glad you fussy cut your street lamp, too pretty to loose.

  17. So happy you were able to save your beautiful light post and wreath..Yes, I know you were even happier, my friend:-) Such a pretty and festive design, Bonnie. TFS Hugs..

  18. Love the way you fussy cut the lamp post to save it - I've often ended up with background washes that are awful - I find them so hard to do. Great idea to add score lines to give texture and interest.

  19. FABULOUS save on this lovely, lovely card my friend!! Your fussy cut lamp post came out just perfect and I LOVE the little wreath hanging from it! CAS perfection Bonnie...LOVE it!! :0)

  20. Love this! The wreath looks like it was meant to be. Also love the embossed frame. Simple Naturals White was the way to go. It's beautiful, Bonnie!

  21. This is beautiful. I love how you made the wreath look so dimensional with adding the little sprigs around. And good job on the glass of the lamp post too! (so happy you like the Nuvo Crystal glaze. Didn't it spread easily?!) While I'm sorry you had problems with the wash, I always learn from 'saves'...probably more than I actually do when everything goes well. (cause usually it doesn't go that well for me! So I'm interested in how other card makers can salvage something that didn't work just right). Liking the embossed framing too. It's truly a lovely card Bonnie. TFS & Hugs

  22. Love how you did the adorable little wreath and great idea to hang it from that fabulous lamp post. What a great save and what a wonderful card x.

  23. oh, I love this winter theme. Your lantern looks so beautiful. A great design, sometimes our mistakes lead us to the most wonderful cards :-)

  24. I know I'm behind, but I'm so rarely on the net. This fussy cutting truly adds a beautiful dimension to this card. Love that bow and red rhinestones on that small wreath ...the perfect size. I love that card stock with those tiny specs. Beautiful my friend. xx

  25. Fussy cutting saved the day, or the card anyway. It's lovely and doesn't really need any background wash.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie