
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Cornflower for CAS Watercolour Reminder

Hello.  We are midway through the month
and midway through the year.
Whew, how did that happen so fast?

This month I chose the challenge at

I have a Cornflower Blue Zig CCRBM and a fairly new die that
my friend, Hideko enabled me to buy.

I cut the cornflowers out of watercolor paper and used my Zigs
to give it some color.

I love this die!  It's so easy to color and shape!

I place it on an embossed piece from the retreat, held my breath as I stamped
the sentiment.  Fortunately it didn't take too long and stamped fine,
except it didn't look great in the sage green.  Bless the MISTI, I was
able to stamp over the sage with the cornflower blue and all is well.

I hope you'll check out the wonderful inspiration cards our
Design Team and Guest Designer, TaeEun have done!
You'll be glad you did.

The challenge is open until the 24th.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Snippets (PB)
Ink:   Bundled Sage Distress Marker
Paper:   Neenah, Watercolor (Strathmore 140 lb. cold press)
Other:  Cornflower Die (Alexandra Renke), Zig CCRBM (#37 Cornflower Blue, #38 Peacock Blue, Diamonds in the Rough EF (Cuttlebug)


  1. No wonder you love's beautiful! I think blue cornflowers are one of my favorite flowers, they remind me of my grandmother's garden and how often I used to pick them! Such a sweet reminder, thanks!

  2. Alexander Renke's design is so amazing. You have beautifully colored this cornflower, it looks stunning. I also blessed the mistress several times for being invented. Your sentiment is perfect

  3. Yay for the Misti!....What a stunning card and I love the blue cornflowers and how you've water coloured them x. Wonderful texture from the dry embossing and such a striking card, which I love x.

  4. Your cornflowers are so pretty Bonnie! Isn't it great when friends "help" us find this amazing dies??!! Beautiful watercolouring the the bright blue and pretty sage green leaves and background. Wonderful combination of colours. And Misti comes to the rescue again. Gotta love it! :) Thanks for this great challenge, Bonnie. The gallery looks amazing in shades of blue! xx

  5. your cornflower is so beautifully coloured Bonnie. I love it against the simplicity of the embossed background :)

  6. You got the cornflower blue just right! Lovely!

  7. so beautiful and pure looking Bonnie, your flower is gorgeous.
    xx Karen

  8. I love it to, especially the blue. :) Your flower is gorgeous and the embossed background is pretty also. I like the little embossed strip across the bottom. TFS

  9. Your Zig watercoloring and shaping of your cornflower are perfection, Bonnie. Love your color choices and another reminder of why we can not be without our MISTI's. TFS...Hugs...

  10. Cornflowers are so gorgeous and you have captured the colour beautifully here Bonnie. Love that fab CAS design.
    Carol x

  11. I can see why you're in love with the Cornflower die's GORGEOUS and is the perfect shade of blue! LOVE your background too! Blue has never been one of my favorite colors to work with, but I have to tell you that I loved both cards that I came up with for this month's challenge and definitely have a new appreciation for the color blue!'ve converted me!! :0)

  12. Love the blue cornflowers - beautifully coloured. Perfect placement of the sentiment and great way you used the strip of dry embossing over the stems.

  13. I can see why you were enabled to buy this lovely cornflower die, but you brought them to life with your gorgeous watercoloring, Bonnie. Beautiful shaping. Love the diamond embossed background and how you perfectly stamped the sentiment along the stem. xx

  14. Wow, this is stunning, Bonnie! We enable each other to buy goodies. :-)
    I love this die too but I've never colored die-cuts. You inspired me to color them! The shades of blue and green are so soothing and beautiful. The subtle dry embossing in the background is a wonderful touch and the placement of the sentiment is perfect!
    Hideko xx

  15. This is a gorgeous card Bonnie, the sage is magic with that cornflower blue, so soft and rich. Love the layering with the dry embossing. Beautiful touch! xx

  16. A wonderfully coloured die cut flower Bonnie, and some pretty embossing in the background too, and love the way you have placed the sentiment following the stem of the flower. x

  17. m.Are cornflowers the same as asters? That's what they look like to me, Bonnie and they are lovely. I love how you ran the sentiment along the stem.

  18. I also love this die. Such an amazing form. You used watercolors great to color this cornflower. Sentiment has the perfect color, I like how blue combined with sage green. The perfect entrance to our challenge, Bonnie :-)
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful card in HLS Watercolor.
    BożenA DT HLS


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie