
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Something Blue for CAS Watercolour

Hello friends.

It's time for a new challenge at CAS Watercolour.

I'm hosting the challenge this month.

I'm really enjoying this die set from Penny Black.

This time I die cut the vase from a piece of watercolor smoosh.
It was the last mop up from spritzed Lindy's Magicals so
it had a lot of water.

The flowers were cut from mixed media paper and colored with Zigs
and my waterbrush.

Our wonderfully talented Design Team are joined by the
fabulous TaeEun to inspire you.

I hope you'll join us at CAS Watercolour.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Paper:  Neenah, Mixed Media (Strathmore 400 series) 
Other:  Tall Flowers Die, Airy Die (PB), Large Letters EF (Kwan Crafts)


  1. This card has such a nice feel to it...the blues makes it feel restful. Love the lighter blue "smooshed" vase with the deeper blue flowers and white die cut leaves.

  2. Such a pretty card, which is enhanced by the dry embossing and the most wonderful CAS design x.

  3. Beeeeautiful. I do love flowers! The script embossing gives such a softness to that beautiful bouquet. So does the wash on the vase. Totally elegant xxx

  4. CAS perfection Bonnie!! LOVE the blue vase and flowers against the white embossed script and white card base...such a clean and beautiful look! Thanks for a fun color challenge this month...I love color challenges!! :0)

  5. Swoon!!! Something about this card just makes me feel at peace. SO beautiful!!!

  6. Bonnie, you are really challenging me this time, aren't you … blue!? gah! I'm so color challenged, and blue is my nemesis! But don't think I won't give it a go... your card is such a beautiful example of how wonderful it can be! xx

  7. Gorgeous Bonnie, great colour selection for the challenge :) Blue is my favourite. Wonderful blue vase and perfect with that script embossed background. Love it.

  8. Beautiful vase of flowers Bonnie. I love the soft shade of blue for the vase, paired with the deep blue blooms. The white-on-white dry embossed script background works perfectly with the vase of flowers. xx

  9. This one is so striking, Bonnie! What caught my attention is not only the watercoloring on the vase making it look like marble but the beautiful way you arranged and added dimension to the flowers. This is so well done!

  10. Isn't that a beautiful, soft watercolor on the vase! Really nice CAS design on this, Bonnie. I love it lots!

  11. beautiful card mf...lots of great elements of interest.
    x Karen

  12. What a beautiful serene card Bonnie! I love the white embossed smaller panel, that vase is so beautiful and I am so loving the flowers and leaves you used in it. Just gorgeous to say the least! Hugs, Brenda

  13. Absolutely gorgeous Bonnie ! Love this beautiful bouquet over the embossed script background. Also love the kraft stems. Really eye-catching card. Thanks so much for sharing and for the inspiration. xx

  14. Beautiful, Bonnie. Love that gorgeous script embossed background! I just received that EF and used my heavy duty rotary paper trimmer to cut it down to 6”. I probably ruined the blade and need to replace it. *lol*😂 My favorite color BLUE... awesome challenge! xx

  15. Gorgeous light blue vase for your beautiful die cut and watercolored wildflowers with your die cut white leaves, Bonnie. Your dry embossed script adds a wonderful texture to your pretty CAS card design. TFS my friend. Hugs...nancy

  16. The die cut flowers and vase look great used here Bonnie and I love the embossed script in the background. There is some wonderful contrast between the pale blue of the vase and the darker blue flowers which really adds to the look of the card. x

  17. This card is so stylish. I love the dimension from the flowers and the embossed background. It all come together beautifully xx


  18. I love this die too and you have enabled me:) Your design is fabulous and the diecuts are so pretty. Thanks for this great theme using my fave colour!

  19. What a sweet vase of flowers you created Bonnie! love the watery colors and the subtle look of the white stems in the back as well as the embossed text! xx

  20. What a wonderful combination of die cuts! Love the white branches behind the blue flowers. The vase is coloured beautifully - makes me think of milk glass. And the embossed script background adds great texture and interest.

  21. Your card is so beautiful and elegant, Bonnie! The soft smooshed blue of the vase looks dreamy and the embossed background adds so much interest to your CAS design!

  22. A wonderful vase with flowers, Bonnie. You're right, this dies set is great. Very elegant card, Bonnie.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie