
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happy Birthday Darnell

Special Event

Please join us in celebrating Darnell's Birthday!!

One more part to this special event.
The team has made special cards for Darnell's birthday,
along with our Guest Designer Leslie,
and several Featured Designers (friends from the retreat).

During our retreat, Darnell (Dolly to us) was up early one morning
and decided she wanted some frozen blueberries.
Some how she spilled almost the whole, Costco-sized bag of
blueberries all over the floor.

Bonnie snapped these pictures.
See the swipe of blueberries on the right photo??  We couldn't find a broom so we grabbed
a large piece of card stock to pick up the berries.  As they thawed, the blueberry juice
"smooshed" on the cardstock in a lovely design that looked perfect for card making.

Well, without Dolly knowing, we kept that piece of blueberry smoosh and cut it up.
Each Designer has used one piece in making Dolly's birthday cards. :)

I wish I'd taken a picture of my smooshed piece before I cut it up.  
My piece had lots of blueberry juice on it.
Hence the dark blue flowers.

I used some of the more splattered piece for the daisies and 
shaped the flowers, popping some up for added dimension.

The stems were watercolored using a Distress marker and
spreading the color with my waterbrush.

The vase was cut using a Christmas ornament die and a background of
stencil monoprint.  For the monoprint I'd used some Lindy's Magicals
sprinkled and spritzed on a stencil, then pressed onto mixed media paper.
I've added some Nuvo Crystal Glaze to shine up the vase.

The background was done with a stencil and embossing paste.

I hope you'll pop over to CAS Watercolour
and see what the fabulous Design team and our talented Guest Designer Leslie
plus some special guests have done to inspire you.  
Then join us in wishing our dear friend Dolly
the happiest of birthdays!

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Ink:   Bundled Sage Distress marker
Paper:  Neenah, Concord Crush (SU), Neenah, Blueberry Smoosh 
Other:  Painted Flower Stems Die, Daisy Silhouette Die (MB), Ornament Die (SU), Lindy's Magicals Screaming Banshee Black, Crackle Stencil (Plaid), Weathered Stencil (MB), Embossing Paste (Wendy Vecchi), 


  1. I love how you used your smooshed piece of blueberry juice for your blooms, Bonnie! The richness of the dark blue is so pretty and I love how you paired the stencil monoprint on your background with the lovely pattern on your vase! Darnell is definitely going to love your special birthday card!

  2. ooooh, bold and rich. That beautiful blue, wow! The best blueberry mess of all :)
    Every detail of this card is in harmony, I LOVE it all! xxx

  3. Gorgeous bouquet, Bonnie - looks like you had a fun retreat!!

  4. Lovely bouquet for Dolly Daydreams and a perfect way to use up the mess from the floor! x

  5. Happy Accident eh? and only true crafters can come up with that idea! Lovely card Bonnie...sure to be a keeper with so many memories behind it.xx

  6. Such a great idea and you ladies were so smart to keep the cardstock! My gosh I love your stained blooms! Such a fun memory for you all!

  7. Oh my gosh-that’s too funny about the blueberries and so clever that you are all using some of the naturally died card stock! Such a pretty creation from an accident!

  8. I think Darnell said that Hammy made that mess.

    Cute card for her and a nice surprise. [Bunny]

  9. What a fun back story and what a fun way that you have used the blueberry smooshed piece of card x. Such a thoughtful and kind idea to celebrate Darnell's birthday x.

  10. Your blueberry smooshed posies look FABULOUS Bonnie and I love your ornament vase too!! Darnell is going to be so tickled with this card and I'm sure it has even more meaning to you (and Darnell!) after having seen the "BIG spill"!! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  11. OMG...Gorgeous die cut daisies from your piece of blueberry paper, Bonnie. Love your pretty handmade vase too. TFS...we sure did surprise Dolly, didn't we:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  12. Bonnie, the blueberry smoosh made for wonderful daisies. this was such a fun post to celebrate Darnell's birthday :)

  13. LOVE your bouquet of blueberry flowers, Bonnie! So pretty! And awesome with the textured background and fantastic vase (a work of art on it's own). What fun we've had today! :)

  14. Great way to use your piece of the smooshed blueberries:) The colour is amazing! Beautiful card!

  15. This is the ultimate making the best of a boo boo! The floor looks gorgeous with the thawing blueberries so capturing it on card stock and using it for Darnell's b'dy cards is so creative. Way to go, retreat gals!

  16. Bonnie, your card is so creative with using the Christmas ornament die to make the vase wiht the monoprint and the embossing past textured background panel. All sets off those artistic looking daisies beautifully....and the origin of the coloring on the purple daisies is just the best (!!)

  17. Great idea to die cut the flowers from your blueberry piece! Love the way there is dark and light flowers! And you created a perfect vase for them too! Great textured background - you have the best embossing folders!

  18. So adorable and clever, Bonnie. Why didn’t I think of diecutting from the panel!?... I struggled trying to incorporate it into my design while keeping my card CAS. Love those daisies (didn’t mean to enable you 😉) and all the amazing texture and dimension. The Crystal Glaze is the perfect finishing touch. xx

  19. Love how you made your daisies from your smooshed blueberry piece. A beautiful card with your vase of daisies.
    I also want to thank you so much for the sweet bird die and your pretty background card and the gorgeous floral birthday card. Finally, getting a chance to be in my craftroom after all the chaos.

  20. Stunning card, a new technique to drop blueberries and get the card ready LOL. LOVE your card and a super tribute to Darnell.
    Faith x

  21. Oh how fun this must have been! What a creative use for your smooshed piece, Bonnie! I'm enjoying that story too and love that photo of Darnell with the berries all over the place.

  22. Oh, my gosh, those flowers look fantastic with the smoosh! Everyone's going to be smooshing blueberries after they see all these cards. What fun! Your vase is very upscale and pretty, too. Glazed even! What fun!

  23. What a great way to use the smooshed paper Bonnie - love the wonderful rich colour of your flowers!

  24. love the richness your flowers have Bonnie...really fun idea to surprise her!
    x Karen

  25. What a fun thing to do and the card is beautiful.

  26. I thought I should leave a comment here, too, Bon, in addition to my email or folks'll think I'm rude! It's also great to read the details, especially how you made the vase. Your gloss was so smooth that I thought it was the baby wipe on glossy paper technique! As fabulous as your sweet blueberry daisies look here, they are even more gorgeous in person! Thank you for being there to a) keep me from freaking out, b) help with the cleanup, and c) be a witness, lol! And thank you for using that large piece of cardstock as the dustpan so this could all happen! You've all given me a wonderful and super fun surprise to launch my seventh decade!! Love and hugs, Dolly

  27. Shut the front door! I love how you guys kept the blueberry stain cardstock and cut it up to make birthday cards for Darnell! What a fabulous idea! Your card is beautiful and I would have be none the wiser that you used blueberry stained paper. lol Those daisies are perfect and just looks like you colored them in a beautiful shade of dark purplely blue. I'm in awe at how beautiful it is! Fun, fun, fun and fun times. lol Hugs, Brenda

  28. This is so much fun and I love that you kept the cardstock. What a great birthday celebration.

  29. Bonnie, you took the perfect shots of Darnell and and the smeared floor! And what a fun and great backstory of the blueberry cardstock!
    I LOVE your lovely blueberry daisies, gorgeous and realistic vase, and the subtle textured background. The dark blue and white combination is so pretty. The vase itself looks like a piece of art. Clever to use an ornament die for the vase. I'm sure Darnell will treasure this card!
    Hideko xx

  30. I was amazed at all the wonderful cards you all made using the blueberry smooshed cardstock, Bonnie. I'm so glad you took the pictures and used the cardstock to pick up the errant blueberries. It's such a great story. Your daisies and blue flowers are gorgeous in that print vase with the glaze over it.

  31. Blueberry cards for Darnell :-)) A great idea for determining the color of a friend's card. I love your colorful daisies, they look stunning, the whole bouquet is unique. It is the advantage of our April that they will never fade ...


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie