
Monday, July 22, 2019

Indroducing Emmy

Hi there.

I want to introduce you to an upcoming talent in the cardmaking world.

My lovely granddaughter, Emmy has been spending lots of time with me.

A couple of weeks ago I introduced her to Brushos and Lindy's Magicals.

She was a goner!

She did LOTS of backgrounds.

She picked one that would be perfect with the mermaid stamp on my shelf.

Here's a closer look at the card.

Her Aunt Kelli is going to love this!

She did a beautiful job on the inside with some flowers and a
message that will bring tears to her aunt's eyes.

We'll be sharing more in the coming days and months.

What a joy to share this wonderful obsession hobby with her!

And a special thanks to Ms. Loll for making her a watermark.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Mermaid (Stampendous)
Ink:   Archival Onyx Black
Paper:   Mixed Media, Neenah
Other:  Brushos, Lindy's Magicals, Stitched Rectangle Die (SSS)


  1. Wonderful card, am loving the mermaid stamp and that background is gorgeous. Your grand daughter is so lucky to have you to show her the ropes and she's a talent to watch out for , for sure, Cathy x

  2. This is beautiful! She is following closely in grandma's footsteps and has obviously inherited your talent! Lovely card and lovely girl!

  3. I see a future CAS designer in the making :) Beautiful card you must be so proud.

  4. I think you take the title of Queen Enabler! The future is here! Well done, Emmy... beautiful card. xx

  5. Hi Emmy! Your brushos background is so pretty and perfect for your mermaid image. Love the stitched framing and sparkle from the sequins. Beautiful card that you've made to celebrate your aunt's birthday. She is going to love it!!

    Looks like you've had lots of fun getting inky with your Nana. Can't wait to see what you make next!

  6. A beautiful card from a beautiful young lady Bonnie!

  7. Beautiful card. I love the background. I've never used Brushos or know much about them but this makes me want some. Fantastic creation, Emily. [Bunny]

  8. WOW!! This sweet little girl sure takes after her grandma Bonnie, what a beautiful card she created.
    I love the Brushos background for this Mermaid image, simply gorgeous.
    Emily, continue to let your creativity grow, you have a fantastic teacher, hope to see more of your creations soon.
    Sending hugs.

    Maria Rodriguez.

  9. WOW...hats off to you Miss Emmy! Your card is GORGEOUS and I totally get how taken you were with the Brusho's and Lindy's Magicals...two of my favorite products too! How fun that you and your grandma can share this will be a wonderful way to spend time together! :0)

  10. Gorgeous gorgeous card, the background is perfect for the wonderful image, Love the card Emmy.
    Faith x

  11. I just got major goosebumps from this post! She is adorable and the card looks like it is made by a pro. What an incredible joy to share your passion and inspire it in Emmy. I have 2 granddaughters and a grandson so can relate to this very amazing and special feeling.

  12. I LOVE that you have a stamping-granddaughter, Bonnie!!
    Yay, Emily!!! These are the perfect colors for her mermaid... an ocean of fun!

  13. Beautiful card and beautiful girl. Great background for the mermaid stamp. Thanks for sharing her lovely art work. She did a wonderful job with the card.

  14. Emmy is a cutie and look at that talent! You sure have taught her well. I love the background she made and that is a very cool stamp. I'm glad she is enjoying your hobby and thrilled you are going to be sharing more of her cards in the future.

    Great job, Emmy.

  15. Absolutely a beautiful card! She's not going to be great - she already IS! Wow!!! She had a good teacher too I know.

  16. You've found a talent in your grand daughter. What a beautiful card, Emmy and a beautiful smile on your face too!

  17. Gorgeous mermaid, Emma on your beautiful Magicals, Brushos background! How fun to be able to create with your very talented Nana. You obviously are already talented. It is going to be so much fun seeing more of your beauties with all your backgrounds. Thank you for sharing. Love your watermark professional:-) Hugs...Nancy

  18. Oh WOW Emmy! A fabulous card - love the Brushos and your stamping is sooo good! (Grandma has lots of stuff to play with, far too much for her to use alone, so looking forward to seeing some more of your beautiful makes!)

  19. Beautiful card! And you have a beautiful granddaughter!

    I remember the fun times I had stamping with my granddaughter.
    However, she doesn't like to do it anymore...
    (Oh well, I still have the memories!)

  20. She did a fabulous job on this Bonnie! Love the photo! How much fun you must have had working with her. She's a natural for sure.

  21. Oh how lovely! Well done! So glad she had a lot of fun with it all too!

  22. My goodness, Emmy did an excellent job! What fun for you to get to craft with her and pass on all your skills! I love her blend of colours and the beautiful mermaid on top! Looking forward to seeing more of her creations.

  23. Hello Emmy, good to meet you x What a pretty card with a wonderful artsy background, which is perfect for the mermaid stamped image. You are learning from the best and you have created a stunning and beautiful card which Aunt Kelli is going to love x Thank you for sharing x

  24. Hi Emmy, it is lovely to meet you! You are a very talented card maker and I love that you have mastered the Brushos and Lindy's Magicals. Your background is amazing and so pretty. Perfect for the beautiful mermaid stamp. Can't wait to see more of your lovely creations! Thanks to your grandma for teaching you to make cards. Hugs, Brenda

  25. This is amazingly gorgeous! The way Brusho reacted to water is perfect for the mermaid image. Magical's shimmer must look more beautiful in real life. Fantastic job, Emmy!
    Sounds like she has a beautiful heart too.
    I'm so happy that you have the young talent to share your wonderful hobby with!

  26. Talented just like her Nana. Obsession is PASSION, the best endorphins around, and there are free.... well when you don't shop for stuff LOL. A dreamy card, beautifully done! xxx

  27. Oh, my gosh, Lolly made her a watermark! How cool is that?! Emmy is a natural at this and she sure is pretty! One can never have too many Brusho and Lindy Magicals backgrounds and if I'm wrong about that, then you can send some of these beauties to me! Emmy's mermaid was the perfect choice and I love the design she created to showcase her!! Hugs, Dolly

  28. OH! OH! OH! Miss Emmy you card is beautiful and the colors are perfect for a mermaid! You are beautiful too Sugar - I do love your pretty smile.
    Sandy xx

  29. Emmy, like Jack, are very talented. This card would steal the heart of everyone who would receive it. I love the strong background colors, the mermaid looks great on it. Please, give me my sweet Emma respect and admiration. Waiting for her next cards, I want more such beautiful impressions


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie