
Monday, December 30, 2019

Let it Snow

Hello.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I know those of you who get lots and lots of snow will not
want to see this.  But here in NC we don't get much snow and it doesn't
stay long if we get some.

So I say...

The elements of this card all came from my UFO box.

There's a background made with the contents of a Lindy's Magical Shaker
sprayed with lots of water.

The die cut front didn't work for the original intention
and neither did the snowflakes.

I think this will make a good thank you card for my
sister-in-law who loves snow as much as I do.

I see there is still time left at
Craft Stampers Magazine Take It Make It Challenge

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Christmas Sentiments (PB)
Ink:   Dapper Denim (SU)
Paper:   Neenah, Coated 
Other:  Snowflake Dies (PB and IO), Peek-a-boo Window Frame (MFT), Lindy's Magical Shaker (Afternoon Delight Denim)


  1. A really pretty card Bonnie and a great use of some UFO's. I love the Magicals background with the beautiful snowflakes and finished with a lovely sentiment too. Personally I'm not keen on snow, especially when you have to go out in it, but it does look pretty when fresh on the ground. Luckily we do not get too much of it here in the South West of England which suits x

  2. We've got lots of the white stuff coming our way starting this evening through Wednesday, so come on up if you want any of it!! I personally like it much better on cards, and yours is beautiful Bonnie!! I imagine there's lots of shimmer on that background piece too using the Magicals! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  3. such a pretty card...
    we have no snow here in Ontario, just a lot of rain right now. We did have but with all the rain it melted. The weather here has been so unusual and weird actually.
    xx Karen

  4. Fortunately, it doesn't snow in Poland, and I don't miss it at all. I prefer to admire him on pages. Your card is a great illustration for CAS, I love your choice of blue shade, it looks like a sunny winter sky.

  5. We are getting rain here and although I don’t like travelling in the snow, I do love the look. Fab winter thank you card. Your UFO box is producing amazing cards! 😉

    Sorry for the late visits... Christmas took a bit out of me, so doing a little catch up now that I’m feeling a bit better. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas... wishing you a happy new year! 🎉🥂🍾

  6. Beautiful Bonnie, I wish we had just a little snow - Not too much but just a little. Great card, have a Happy New year :)

  7. What a gorgeous card Bonnie - we only get snow here once every five years, or there-abouts, so I don't mind a snowy card like this gorgeous one :)
    May your 2020 be blessed

  8. Hi Bonnie
    I was out of blogland for a while but I'm happy to see you still make this wonderful cards! Love the colours, love the structures!
    Happy 2020

  9. well. He heard you... I woke to lots of the white stuff this morning, Bonnie! Thanks? lol I do wish I could switch weather with you for a week each year!
    Happiest New Year wishes to you, my friend! xoxo

  10. Really beautiful Let it Snow card, Bonnie. Love how you used leftovers for your CAS design. Your SIL will Love it! Hugs...Nancy

  11. Even though in Scotland we have known to get snow, I still love it......And I love this card x. Bring on the snow x

  12. This is so pretty! Love the gorgeous shades of blue for the background with your pretty snowflakes. No snow here ... just lots of rain this year. We usually have at least one snowfall in November and then lots in January. Much warmer this year. xx

  13. Way to go creating a whole card out of bits from the UFO box! I need to sort through mine and see if I can put a few things together. Love the blue background and the way the snowflake on the left is escaping from the aperture!

  14. Nice card, Bonnie, and I too love snow! Your magicals are pure magic behind your snowflakes. I too love snow, it can snow here a few times a year but usually does not last -- except last year when it wouldn't stop and we had to order a snowblower because no one had one! I'm game for that again tho :o)

  15. Happy New Bonnie!
    I love your snowflake card. Thank you for playing along with the Craft Stamper challenge xx

  16. You wouldn't like it as much if you lived in it, Bonnie, but the snowflakes looks wonderful with that blue background.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie