
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Autumn Colours Watercolouring for CAS Mix Up

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

It's time for a new challenge at CAS Mix Up.
This month we're doing watercoloring.

This month, Leslie is our talented host and she chose...

I've die cut this lovely Memory Box poppy from watercolor paper
and colored it with  Distress Inks.

To get the background, I laid the die cuts on a piece of Mixed Media paper.
My messy watercoloring gets just enough color on the background.

I die cut extra flower heads from the same piece of watercolor paper
and colored to match so I could have lots of dimension.

I used my NBUS Mini Slimline Double Stitched Die to cut out the main image
and to cut the edges of the sentiment strip.

The textured background is the backside of the cover to a Mixed Media pad and 
the black center to the open flower is done with Prills.

Our fantastic Design Team and our amazing Guest Designer, Ros have
lots of wonderful inspiration for you.  There are also videos with 
some great ideas for using Autumn colors on cards.

I hope you'll check us out and join us at

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Thanks you to all who have subscribed to my blog by email.
You sweet and thoughtful comments warm my heart!

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Happy Snippets (PB)
Ink:   Chocolate Chip (SU), Mustard Seed, Spiced Marmalade, Peeled Paint (DI), Tangerine Tango re-inker (SU)
Paper:   Watercolor (Arches Cold Press), Mixed Media (Strathmore 400 series), Neenah
Other:  Splendid Poppy Stems (MB), Mini Slimline Double Stitched Die (Kat Scrappiness), Prills (US Artquest)


  1. Stunning card, Bonnie !! I love the watercolor background, the reflections of the flowers create such an amazing mysterious scenery. Another great inspiration. Thank you!

  2. Love it, the colour, the soft background, the dimension, everything xx

  3. Beautiful water colored flowers. Love the dimension and the pretty background from you water coloring. TFS

  4. GORGEOUS! I've never succeeded at getting a print with a colored die cut but you sure did! Love the layers of your blossom. It adds so much to this card. And who but you would have thought to use the back side of the Mixed Media paper cover for a card base! That was brilliant!

  5. Gorgeous poppies in that color, Bonnie, and I love your print behind too!!

  6. Those gorgeous poppies...such lively happy flowers. Can almost see them waving in a Fall breeze. Look amazing on the soft textured cardbase and clean, stitched panel.

  7. Your beautiful card is a prime example of why I love this technique. Gorgeous.

  8. Such beautiful poppies and love the pretty orange colour and the background print of it looks great Bonnie and you have given the flowers some wonderful dimension and the small black prills are perfect in the centre of the open flower. x

  9. Your die cut worked so well for the background!! Lovely soft colours to contrast with the brighter colours of the actual die cut attached to the background. A beautiful card!

  10. Beautiful watercoloring on your poppies, Bonnie! I love how you blended the colors and the clever way you created your background! Adding black prills to the flower was such a great idea, too ~ Very pretty card, my friend! xx

  11. Gorgeous, Bonnie! Those poppies are amazing, especially with the Prills in the center. Your flowers almost look ceramic in the photo. The background is perfect -- subtle, but wow! Clever idea, too, to use the cover of your MM pad for the card base. Your card is just full of wonderful!

  12. Beautiful! I love how those poppies just stand proud of the card and the lovey BG! Thank you for inviting me to join you this month!

  13. Love this Bonnie - that messy background is perfect - not too bright so that it complements the focal image rather than overwhelms it.
    Stay safe

  14. So happy to see Poppies on your card again, Bonnie! These are gorgeous, water-colored to perfection in this wonderful Autumn orange!

  15. This is such a beautiful card, Bonnie. The color and dimension on the poppies are wonderful and the prills and back panel add great texture.

  16. This is so beautiful! What a great idea to use the colored on surface as a background.
    I have your blog in my Feedly.
    Hugs Monica

  17. Wow gorgeous Poppy Bonnie, I've always love the orange ones ♥

  18. Beautifully CAS, beautifully done!

  19. I never get tired of following you Bonnie - it seems that your style varies so much. This is lovely and you are do clever to repurpose the the cover of some paper. Well it is not Autumn here yet and according to my daughter in Raleigh, it has been hot where you are!
    You always inspire me to be better than I am. Now isn't that what friends are for!!!!
    Sandy xx

  20. Sweet card -- and the colors are as warm and inviting as honey!

  21. LOVE this slimline design Bonnie. The die-cut flowers have so much texture with the embossing. Very cool! And I love that your watercoloured background from working with the dies. It's just the perfect backdrop. It's great that you had some of it left to make the sentiment banner as well. Fabulous design, fabulous card, my sweet friend! xx

  22. What a striking card and design, with a fabulous background and the prettiest of flowers Bonnie x.

  23. WOW...this is GORGEOUS Bonnie!! Your flowers are SO pretty water colored in that beautiful yellowy-gold color, and how perfect on a slimline card!! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  24. Wow Bonnie, this is gorgeous! Love the fall colors and the watercoloring. Especially loving that die! Hugs, Brenda

  25. Your watercolour backdrop looks perfect with these beautifully coloured flowers, I love how you used a scrap of the backdrop paper for the sentiment too! Love it!
    Chrissie x

  26. Fabulous card Bonnie and the colours are beautiful. The open poppy has the appearance of porcelain!
    Once again, you nailed the challenge! x

  27. What a pretty poppy slimline card, Bonnie! Love the warm autumn colors and the special backdrop!
    The black Prills are perfect for the center of the flower.
    Hideko xx

  28. Your poppy slimline card is so creative and clever, Bonnie. TFS all the details. Thank you for the reminder to do this fun and artsy die cut watercolor technique for added color interest to your beautiful die cut poppies. Love and Hugs...Happy Autumn, my dear friend. Nancy

  29. what a great technique to get your watery background Bonnie! Your blooms are so pretty in the orange! xx

  30. Another lovely print making background. These poppies are the perfect size for a mini slimline. Beautiful card.

  31. Love the poppy die cut layered and the background you created colouring them. Pretty design!

  32. Hi there :D , Such a delightful card, the subtle background complements those blooms and the sentiment. the highlights on the petals make them realistic. The slim line applied here makes it even more special. Miss you gals now that the clinics are slowing down. Making my way back to my craft room. Will be able to play more often. Will write soon too, take care pretty lady! xxx

  33. Simply stunning. Beautiful colours, great texture, and I love the dimension xx


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie