
Monday, August 28, 2023

Ink Blending with Water Lifting

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

This month's Group of Seven Cardmakers were focusing on 
Ink Blending with Water Lifting.

We weren't able to meet up on Zoom this month so we used this technique on our own
by following the video that Loll provided for us.

Our friend Colleen shared a video on her blog that I found to be very helpful too.

For my first card, I stamped and heat embossed before ink blending the background with
Distress Oxide inks.  I chose a more subtle blend of colors for my backgrounds, the depth of color.

I found that stamping and embossing first worked better for me than ink blending 
and having to wait for it to dry.

I needed to dab with water several times to get the ink to lighten.  I found it was better to let
it dry between dabbings.  And it's a definite must to use watercolor or mixed media paper.

For my second card I used a background stamp and heat embossed after ink blending
the background and letting it dry overnight.

I have a little strip of this one left so you'll probably be seeing it again.

I hope you'll check out the Group of Seven Cardmakers blog and see what the
rest of the group has done and what they found that worked best for them.
It's a fun and easy technique!

Card Recipe (card 1)
Stamps:  Feathered Lilies (Alt), Fancy Greetings (Alt)
Ink:   VersaMark, Mustard Seed, Spiced Marmalade, Candied Apple (DOX), Versafine Onyx Black
Paper:   Watercolor Paper (Alt), Neenah Solar White, Black
Other:  White EP, Blending Brushes, Waterbrush

Card Recipe (card 2)
Stamps:  Roses All Over (MFT), Sentiment Strips (Alt)
Ink:   Whisper White, Picked Raspberry (DOX)
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 400 series), Neenah Solar White, Vellum
Other:  White EP, Blending Brush, Waterbrush, Elegant Frames STAX (MFT), Subtle EF (ret SU), Graceful Butterfly Die & EF set (Spl))


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Your sweet and thoughtful comments warm my heart!


  1. I Love how both of your cards turned out using the DOX ink blending and the color lifting techniques. TFS your technique tips too...there always is a little bit of a learning curve on new least for me:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  2. Sensational lilies and roses, Bon! The lilies are bold and sunset-y and the roses are so feminine in pink and white! Hugs, Dolly

  3. That's a great suggestion to emboss the image first Bonnie (duh! I had some issues with the powder sticking all over the ink!) Your lily stamp is so pretty - a burst over your card and the colors you used are perfect for it! Your overall roses are so pretty with the pinks and white embossing and are lovely with the framing you used! Thanks for the tips! Julia xx

  4. They are both beautiful. I am loving this technique and hope to get round to trying it. Thanks for sharing your tips xx

  5. They're both so beautiful and I love the framework on that second card.

  6. Both cards are so pretty Bonnie, beautiful ink lifting. I had a little trouble with the lighter colours. I may not have lay down enough ink.

  7. Bonnie, what a surprise to see my name on your blog, I had to click on it because I was sure it was another Colleen, couldn't imagine what I did that you would want to try (LOL *wink)!! Now I am inspired by your cards to give this another try...I forget too soon so many wonderful techniques that are fun to do!
    I have a house guest until Sept 11, so I am not sure I will get to this technique right away, but I will do my best. I really love your pink roses, maybe because of how it is framed, it is so pretty and clean! Heart Hugs, Col

  8. This technique makes for beautiful cards. Love them. I am playing catch up after having been out of town. I’ve checked out all your lovely cards I missed and commenting just the current one. (It gets too overwhelming for me to catch up individually).

  9. Two gorgeous cards Bonnie. So clever to heat emboss first!! Saves having to deal with all the stray powder that sticks to an inked panel. And I agree, I water lifted, let my panel dry a bit and then did a second coat of water to lift even more ink for more of a contrast. I need to add that to my write-up. Love, Lolly

  10. What a fabulous technique and what great results Bonnie! Can't wait to join in! Vicky x

  11. Bonnie, the roses are one of my favorite MFT stamps of all. It's so pretty the way you've gotten so many shades of pink roses, and orange lilies with just water!
    I think I'll have to watch those videos! Both of your cards are gorgeous!

  12. Two beautiful cards that look so different. Love the technique you used on each one, I will have to give it a try. TFS

  13. What a great technique. I've lightened with bleach but how much easier it would be to do it with water. Now that I'm home for a while I will definitely give it a try. Both your lilies and roses are so pretty, Bonnie,

  14. Two beautiful cards, Bonnie! Your lilies are so elegant and I love those wonderful swirly roses!

  15. Beautiful results with this month's technique, Bonnie. Lovely colour choices on each card. I especially love the second one - gorgeous flowers and great layout. Thanks for the hint about stamping and heat embossing first - I'll give that a try as I found it hard to ensure I didn't get any embossing powder where I didn't want it.

  16. Oh my goodness Bonnie, these are two beautiful cards - love your colour choices for the blending, and the fabulous stamps you have chosen to use

  17. Fabulous effects, must try this. Thank you.

  18. Never thought orange could be so beautiful!
    Sandy xx

  19. These are both lovely. The orange really catches my eye since I do like that color. I also love the frame on the pink card. It really added interest. That is a great way to use your background stamp and it came out so pretty.

  20. Two really beautiful cards using this ink blending, heat embossing and water lifting technique Bonnie. I love both colours, but I think the first with the more fiery colours is my favourite, and love the black frame and sentiment with the complementary gems, and love the bit of added colour on the stamens. The second with that pretty pink is lovely too, and in that shaped frame the roses look terrific, and the added white/black bodied butterfly and white embossed sentiment on vellum tones in perfectly with the white embossed the added silver pearls too. x

  21. Stunning card & so great that it's so easy too! I used to love doing this with bleach, but water is so much safer... Jennifer's video was very instructive..somehow I missed it 3 years ago! Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards!

  22. Beautiful, Bonnie! I love them both, the colors are so pretty and inviting.

  23. What beautiful cards Bonnie, this is such a pretty technique that the group of 7 did. I love your first color combo, it's got some "heat" behind it. LOL Reminds me of a setting sun as the sun turns to a fireball in the lower sky. Your lilies are just gorgeous and I love the lifted color from them. Your second card is equally beautiful. Love the CAS look, the beautiful pink embossed background and that sweet butterfly. The vellum lets is perfect to not distract from the background. Love it! Hugs, Brenda

  24. Stunning samples, Bonnie! The glowing blend of color on your first card is especially appealing to me. It's a taste of fall, but with those beautiful lilies. The subtle shading of your rosy pink roses is so delicate. Love the texture and design with frame and extras.

  25. I really love both of your cards. Tried the technique just now and waiting for it to dry. Sigh, didn't use water color paper.

  26. Beautiful twofers. You got awesome lifting results. Thanks for the tips.

  27. Both cards are stunning, Bonnie! You did a great job of lifting inks and making lighter versions of the colors! Black is used effectively for the first card, and the elegant frame of the second card packed with pretty pink roses is so pretty!
    Hideko xx


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie