
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Sparkly Christmas

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

This Merry Christmas was a challenge!

I found the die on clearance but was disappointed when it came and I realized that
the letters come out separate. They did cut well from the glitter paper though.

I cut the backing from vellum but it really curled once the letters were glued on.
So it sat in my UFO box for a while.

Recently I went through a phase of either use it or lose it!

This embossed piece was also waiting for a home and the two seemed to work great.

It looks like it's crooked in this picture but I didn't notice that until just now.
Hopefully it will be sent out this year.

ABC Christmas - E is for Embossing
Jingle Belles - Bling on the Holidays (Glitter paper)
Krafty Chicks #707 - Christmas


Card Recipe
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Red Glitter, Vellum
Other:  Flowering Christmas Tree Burst EF (Spl), Merry Christmas Die (Spl) 


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  1. Send It! Someone will love to get it - it's verry pretty. And we know how much work went into cutting and gluing the letters.

  2. Very pretty. Glad you didn't toss it. I have the same die but have not used it yet for the same reason. Thanks for the inspiration, will have to give it a try.

  3. It deserved to be saved, and its a gorgeous card. I cringe at the thought of those skinny letters being set individually. You did a masterful job.

  4. The first rule in art? Kiss - keep it simple sugar. One can't get any better than this striking Christmas card. I have always liked having just red and white on a card.
    Sandy xx

  5. Bonnie, I know it is fiddly but worth your efforts, promise!
    I also love a simple red and white Christmas card - the glitter just makes it a little more special!

    [ps I think I just die cut the letters out of the shadow - inlaying, or leaving them out, made it just a bit easier for me]

  6. It's so pretty, Bonnie, and with all the swirls in the letters no one will know that it's crooked. I'd send it.

  7. I think you did a wonderful job, Bonnie, because it's a very striking card! I'm glad you didn't waste it, though I wish I could give you back the fiddly-wasted time!

    Have you tried the dryer sheet method? It's helped me in the past -- place one underneath the paper, then when everything comes out, you can pick them up from the front with washi tape to keep everything in it's place.

  8. Yes, that sentiment is fiddly but what a statement in glitter atop vellum & then the embossed background, Bonnie!!

  9. Great job and beautifully put together....the more you look at it, the more you will love it and appreciate the extra work to put it together...and so will the recipient (if they know anything about card making.
    Paper Hugs,

  10. It might have taken a little extra effort, but it was worth it, it's pretty!

  11. The separate letter with the shadow may be a bit fiddly to put together Bonnie, but it looks so pretty using the red glitter card over the vellum, and the background embossing looks terrific. x

  12. It is a fussy die (I've played with Michele's so I know!) but oh so worth the effort! It looks fabulous in the red glitter paper and really POPS against all that wonderful embossed white! Lovely, lovely card my friend! Hugs. :0)

  13. I can see that putting that die together could be a real pain, but you did very well. don't worry about it being crooked, who says it should be straight? Love the simple red and white and the sparkle helps make it very special xx

  14. If you manually lined up those letters you are a better person than I am! Love this and love the glitter paper . Also I don't see crooked AT all!

  15. it's a beautiful sparkly sentiment and you have lined it up perfectly xx

  16. Great saves resulting in a beautiful card. The sentiment may have been fiddly, but you lined up the letters perfectly.

  17. Beautiful letters on the die, which I admire that you placed them beautifully. A really lovely card. x

  18. a lovely card hitting all those challenges Bonnie - I can see why you were disappointed with the letters not being collected - so many chances to not align them perfectly! but this looks wonderful - and works well on the vellum and very pretty over the embossed white panel! win win and you used up stuff!! Julia xx

  19. A stunning card Bonnie, and so glad you rescued, and then paired the two elements. I think I also would be disappointed in the die - we get so used to being pampered with 'connected' letters in a die.

  20. Oh yes, I know many cases where I made something and put it in a drawer because it didn't suit me. But I totally agree with you, Bonnie, that this sentiment goes perfectly with this embossed background. This card is really beautiful.

  21. This really is a very effective card - the red lettering really pops on the embossed background. Well done for adhering the individual letters - very fiddly. Thank you for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

  22. Oh, yikes! I don't even like it when a whole word cuts separately, but all those skinny letters-- sheesh! You should win an award for accomplishing this. It's pretty with all the sparkle and that lovely embossed background!

  23. I agree with you, I like my word dies attached (although you did a fantastic job of positioning them) ... the glittery cardstock is perfection ... so glad you joined us as we BLING in the Holidays at Jingle Belles.

  24. I love the look of this card with the statement sentiment against the embossed background, the vellum and the sparkly letters. But I'm guessing this won't be a batch make!! Vicky x

  25. Oh WOW, what an elegant show-stopper of a card; the red glitter set against all of the white texture is outstanding... and the vellum layer MAKES it, imo!!! (I was surprised the sentiment wasn't attached too, though in retrospect, we can SEE it is not, but somehow, I didn't expect tiny letters that had to be perfectly positionged lol!) :) So pleased you could join our BLING-y fun at Jingle Belles!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. très élégante carte Bonnie, biz


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie