
Monday, June 10, 2024

Pink Seahorse

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I had several stamping friends making cards.

The card is similar to one that they did.  I used a leftover set and substituted pink
for the coral we used in class to fit with the challenge at Just Us Girls.

I used the lightest shade of pink in my drawer, stamped and heat embossed the
stamping with white powder.  Then I sponged a darker shade of pink on the
seahorse and white on the shells.  I sponged a bit of white on the aqua dry
embossed piece too

Some die cutting and a bit of stamping finished it off.

It was more work than we usually try to do in a class, but I think everyone
agreed that the results were worth the effort.

Just Us Girls #730 - Color Week (Pink & Aqua)
I'm joining Darnell with her I.D.E.A.S  using Dies 


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Seahorse Garden (Spl), Shells (?)
Ink:   Whisper White, Regal Rose
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Pool Party, Pink Pirouette
Other:  White EP, Scattered Shells EF (Spl), Seahorse Garden Dies (Spl), Fluted Oval dies (Spl), Seagrass Die (?)


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Your sweet and thoughtful comments warm my heart!


  1. Very pretty. Love the pink seahorse. Sponging white over the images and embossed panel really sets them off. Glad you had a fun time with stamping friends.

  2. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Bonnie! The colors are gorgeous and I'm loving all the dimension from the embossing...especially with the white over the top! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  3. I'm sure they enjoyed every minute of your class, Bonnie! What a wonderful under the sea card!

  4. First, your embossing folder is one I have been tempted to pretty! Your under-the-sea elements are really nice, especially that pink seahorse! Really great card Bonnie! Thanks for playing with us at Just Us Girls!

  5. What a fun seaside card, Bonnie. Love the pink and aqua that you've used, and it was a fantastic way to use the colors

  6. This is so gorgeous, Bon! I love seahorses and your layout and pretty colors are airy and light, just the way a seahorse should be displayed! Thank you for playing with my I.D.E.A.S.!📌 Hugs, Dolly

  7. So pretty!! Love the way you've used the challenge colours. That background is so pretty with the white highlights. Great work, Bonnie! xx

  8. Seahorses are so cute and you gave him a wonderful underwater paradise, Bonnie. That embossing folder fit right into the theme of your card. Thanks for sharing it with us at Just Us Girls.

  9. Such a pretty underwater scene. Love those colours too xx

  10. A beautiful sea scene! Lovely colours and a great collection of die cuts.

  11. Such a pretty card Bonnie - I love your pink Seahorse!

  12. This is sooooo pretty! Take care, hugs xxx💖💖💖

  13. Super fun sea card - great horse :) - Thanks for joining in at JUGS

  14. I love every part of this, Bonnie! The underwater vignette is so pretty with the embossed panel in the background. I know your group had a lot of fun creating their cards and were very pleased with these beautiful results!

  15. Gorgeous scene with the seahorse and shells, Bonnie!! Might you consider entering at Day of the Month Card Club? I'm guest designing and the theme is shells!

  16. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but a pink seahorse and 8 dancing clams!
    Guess who has been sick with Covid!!! Sometimes I think I will never be well.
    Still considering a move back to North Carolina.
    Stay well!
    Sandy xx

  17. What a charming underwater scene Bonnie. I love the colours and the way you framed the oval with the embossed background. Vicky x

  18. Really pretty colours for your seahorse and shells Bonnie, and I love the embossed background with the shells and starfish and the white highlighting looks great..a beautiful card. x

  19. Very pretty, Bonnie. I love the pink seahorse and seashells. Very beachy colors.

  20. So pretty, your sea horse and shells are beautiful against the embossed background ♥

  21. A pink seahorse! So fun. Cute card.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie