
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Occasions Mini 2011

The Occasions Mini 2011 is live today!  If you're not interested in information about the catalog, scroll down to see the card.

You can see the catalog here or email me with your snail mail address and I will send you one.

This is a card from my favorite set, Nature Walk.  When I saw this set, I knew I just had to have it.  This bird really caught my eye.

I thought this was perfect for a One Layer card.  I used the Naturals White cardstock, since it has more body.  The Robin is stamped with Soft Suede and I used the Blender Pen to blend the ink a bit.  Then I used some Watercolor Pencils, blended with the Blender Pen, to color his underside.  The sentiment is stamped with Chocolate Chip and my new Curly Cute sentiment set.

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Nature Walk, Curly Cute
Ink:  Soft Suede, Chocolate Chip
Paper: Naturals White
Accessories:  Watercolor Pencils, Blender Pen

I can't wait to play some more with this set!  I love all the images.  There's more great things in this catalog too.  I'm glad we can order from it for a few months.  It will take that long to get through my wish list!


1 comment:

  1. Being a bird lover, I am really loving this card....simple and sweet.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie