
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another Try

Last night I shared a couple of cards that I did for the One Layer Wednesday challenge.  I commented that inspiration challenges are not a comfortable fit for me.  Several of you commented that you have the same discomfort.  I'd never know it from looking at your cards though.

Here's another card that I did for this challenge.  I don't know if I can enter 2, but it was a good exercise.  We were to choose a picture from Marta Writes at pinterest.  This is the picture I chose to interpret....

I love all that texture! 

This is what I came up with....

Too boring!  So I dyed some white taffeta ribbon with the Peach Parfait marker and added it.....

Much better, but it veers from the inspiration photo too much.  So.....

I gathered some vanilla seam binding by pullng a thread in the middle.

It's difficult to add a ribbon like this to a one layer card!  Glue dots to the rescue!

More like the photo, but, oh no, I think I like the peach ribbon better.  I'll bet those glue dots won't let go!

So much for inspiration photos.

I think I'll go read a book!

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Fast & Fabulous (Level 2 hostess set)
Ink:  Crumb Cake, Peach Parfait, SU Markers (same colors)
Paper:  Whisper White
Accessories:  Big Shot, Square Lattice EF, Basic Pearls, White Taffeta Ribbon, Very Vanilla Seam Binding

Thanks for the visit.  Enjoy!


  1. LOL I love your interpretation. Definitely agree that the peach ribbon is my favorite. Personally, I try to use inspiration for a jumping point and then if the result is a bit different, so be it. Regardless, you came up with beautiful designs! :)

  2. Thanks for showing us all of the steps in your process, Bonnie!! It's so interesting to see your thought process. I think you captured your inspiration photo quite nicely!!

  3. You're too funny, Bonnie!
    I really like, perhaps love, this texture folder...fab choice from your inspiration stand point. Like the card with the peach ribbon best, but I think there is a lot of possibility with card #1 if perhaps you used a bigger image that is more of a line drawing rather than solid color. Great job!

  4. VERY lovely, Bonnie! I love the textured look, too! You did a great job!

  5. Ha...the lady can't mind up her mind. You are so funny. Gosh, I don't know what I would have done with that inspiration, but you did a really good job. I enjoyed seeing your steps. Lovely card, Bonnie!

  6. Oh, Bonnie...definitely the peach ribbon...and what a fabulous interpretation of the photo!! Love it!


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie