
Monday, April 11, 2011

SENTIMENTtal Journey

This week's Less is More challenge is to use the sentiment as the focus of a one layer card.  It took a couple of tries, but I finally got there.  This was my first try.

As I was adding my watermark, I thought maybe it needed a frame around the sentiment.  It just looked kind of boring.  So I took it to my table and worked on it.  Totally ruined it! Grrrh!

So I started over with a different sentiment and this is what I came up with this go round....

Now this was a lot more fun!

This card works for the CAS challenge this week on SCS which is an inspiration challenge.  Here is the inspiration picture.

Don't you just love those bright colors?

Sometimes the  journey is round about and doesn't end up where we envisioned.  But then sometimes the detours and the final destination are better than what we anticipated in the first place!  I love it when that happens!

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Bring on the Cake, Crazy for Cupcakes
Ink:  Black StazOn, SU Markers (Brights & Subtles)
Paper:  Whisper White
Accessories:  Corner Rounder

Thanks for stopping in to visit and for the lovely comments you leave. 

Enjoy the journey!



  1. Oh, I just love those birthday streamers, Bonnie! Good for you for recognizing the value of detours!!

  2. Both of your cards are fabulous! I really like the father's day just as it is...not boring at all. And the birthday card...well, it's just plain fun!

  3. Hi Bonnie
    i love the Happy Birthday one, its FAB!
    the Father's Day one, for me, didnt need the springs in the corners. If you wanted to add a little something, maybe 3 black pearls or gems just under the DAY would work. I love the green you used
    Thank as always
    Less is More

  4. I see you had to work at it a bit too, just like me! LOL! I think you did a great job on both cards. A small critique (sent with luv!!) I think I might have left off the little leaves in the corners of the first one and maybe embossed a frame around the sentiment and/or added a few dark green pearls.

    The second card is just bright and cute and FUN!
    Great job on your cards this week, Bonnie!

  5. Bonnie ,your cards are great. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Great cards Bonnie. Agree with Mandi that gems or pearls under the sentiment would've looked fab on the first one. Your second card is just perfect, love the bright colours :o) Lisa x

  7. Both fabulous cards but the bright colours of the second one have the edge

  8. I'm a huge fan of that father's day stamp but my favourite card has to be that glorious birthday card! I love the bright colours and I think the streamers the strings of the balloons in the Crazy For Cupcakes set? That is truly inspired!

  9. What I love is that so many LIMers don't just do a card and submit it... they put time, effort and a great amount of thought into what is produced, with fabulous results.
    I love how suggestions are accepted, for the most part, with open minds.
    I am SO proud of this challenge!
    These cards are an example of what I was just saying!
    Great submissions Bonnie... however I do tend to agree about the leaves in the corners... they don't really seem like your usual style!!
    See you next time!
    "Less is More"

  10. I love both cards.... but the balloon ties just make me SMILE! Thank you!
    Karen x

  11. Both cards are super - I love the birthday one - the party popper streamers are the perfect accent. I love the simplicity of the Fathers Day stamp, but am not sure about the corners!!

  12. Wow! Love those Birthday streamers Bonnie. Lx

  13. Bonnie, I am anxious to look at your next card and see what you did with your Father's Day card. I think I saw where you may have done it over. I'll comment on it there. I do love your very cheerful birthday with streamers card. I hated the one I did for that challenge so much that I won't even put it on my blog. Pretty bad. LOL

  14. Both cards are great, I love the birthday one, it's very festive x

  15. Love the streamers on the birthday card, what a great idea.
    Jenny x

  16. Both lovely cards. I know what you mean about leaving something completely bare it's hard not to add extra. your birthday card is very colourful. x

  17. Awesome bday card! The first card looks good to me so its a thumbs up from me! :)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie