
Friday, September 28, 2018

Painted Flower Stems

Hello friends.  Another week has flown by and September is almost over!

I have lots of Washi tape, but rarely use it.

There are some really creative ways to use tape at the challenge site
but I can't say that I used it very creatively.

I need to remember those ideas!

But for today, I've just put a piece across the bottom.

I used a NBUS Memory Box die.

I cut it from Mixed Media paper and used Distress Markers
and my waterbrush to color my garden.

Decorated Tape is like Decorative Paper in my studio.
I love looking at it but hate cutting into it.

Thanks to Memory Box for giving me an excuse to use some tape.

Even if it was just a little bit.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Smile Today (PB)
Ink:   Chocolate Chip (SU), Distress Markers (Peeled Paint Tattered Rose, Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed, Vintage Photo, Ripe Persimmon)
Paper:   Neenah, Linen, Mixed Media (Strathmore)
Other:  Painted Flower Stems (MB), Washi Tape (ret. SU)


  1. Oh yes, we all have so much washi tape, funny I was even thinking of buying more:)
    Beautiful die cut watercolouring and love the touch of washi tape.

  2. I'm the same way with Washi. When I see it in the store, I think "Oh I could use that pattern". Then I never do, and it also doesn't seem to go 'with anything else'. This looks good over the bottom hill - and what a pretty garden you've made with these posies. Ya'll have a great weekend. TFS & Hugs

  3. What a pretty card Bonnie, love how you have coloured the die cut!
    I use Washi on the inside of my cards reasonably regularly. I get colours that go with the outside, and put either on long strip down the middle, or three shorter strips... helps justify buying more :)

  4. Such an adorable and cute card, beautiful water coloured colours and great use of the washi tape. Yes I am never sure what to do with my many rolls of stored washi tape x

  5. Love this Bonnie... I only own one roll of Washi tape!! (And have never used it either!)

  6. Very pretty Bonnie. I love your painted flowers.
    I seldom use Washie tape on my cards but do use it to hold my dies when die cutting. :)

  7. Such a simple card but so VERY BEAUTIFUL Bonnie.

  8. Sweet card Bonnie! I love those pretty pink blooms. The washi tape adds some pretty pattern at the bottom. xx

  9. I don't know where these months are going but they sure are flying by. I wish life would slow down just a little! What a beautiful card Bonnie! I love those sweet little flowers and the way you have watercolored them. Loving that die! Your washi tape gives such a nice pattern to your hill, I love it! I don't often use washi either and I have some, probably not as much as others, but a jar full anyway. I will have to check out how other's have used washi. Hugs, Brenda

  10. Love the little flower garden you created and the tape you chose is so perfect for this. I don't think I've even used it on a card but do have some plain stuff here. Love the curved die you used for your garden too. I've never painted a die cut either so kudos to you for doing that . This is such a cute card, Bonnie!

  11. So pretty, Bonnie... beautiful watercolouring as always. Nice use of the washi tape to ground the flowers.
    I rarely use washi tape on my cards... mainly use them to hold my dies in place when die cutting. Although, Altenew just released a bunch of gigantic size ones with some really unique designs. Crazy, but I’m actually considering buying a couple! 😂

  12. Like you and everyone else above I have many rolls of washi tape and I hardly ever used them for my cards. I use them for making magnets' pull-tabs of my Misti. When I see pretty washi tape, it just jumps into my shopping cart somehow. ;-P
    The shades of the pink flowers are so pretty, Bonnie! I love that you added Ripe Persimmon to the pinks!
    Hideko xx

  13. The colours of these flowers are so vibrant and I love all the nuances. I adore how you integrated the washi tape. I too never use it to make my cards. The green goes so well with the flower stems. "JUST TO SAY" this is very precious!

  14. Congratulations Bonnie with the shout out and blog badge winner at Memory Box with this ever so pretty card x.

  15. I loved this card from the first look. I love the mix of colors you have obtained for these beautiful flowers. Thank you that I can enjoy my eyes with this beautiful card :-)

  16. Congrats on the MB September shout out. I do love this card, well deserved! Lotsa Luv xx


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie