
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Black Eyed Susan Bouquet for CAS Watercolour

Hello crafty friends.  There's still time to join in at
CAS Watercolour.

Susan is hosting the challenge this month and she chose.

I used this Corner Vase stamp from Serendipity (now sold at Impression Obsession)
and stamped it on mixed media paper using Antique Linen Distress ink.  Then I colored
it up using Zig CCRBM and my waterbrush.

Some of the flowers turned out really well.  Others not so great.

I found that swiping the Zigs on my palette and picking up the color 
with my waterbrush gave me better control of the color.

When I was a little girl, I loved the Black Eyed Susan flowers that grew in the 
meadow behind our house and would pick bouquets to take in to my mom.
They cheerful flowers bring back happy memories.

Our Design Team and Guest Designer Leslie have some
awesome inspiration pieces and the gallery is full of beautiful bouquets.
Hope you'll visit and enter in at

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Corner Vase (Serendipity/IO), Snippets (PB)
Ink:   Antique Linen (DI), Chocolate Chip (SU)
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 400 Series), Neenah, Daffodil Delight (SU)
Other:  Zig CCRBM (#50 yellow, #61 lt. brown, #62 dk. brown, #92 glue gray, #37 cornflower, #302 blue haze), Stately EF (ret, Crafts Concepts)


  1. Wow, what beautiful blending and shading you achieved with your watercolor! Love the highlights on that vase too. This is extraordinary, Bonnie! I spy another stamp I have to have! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Happy Birthday Bonnie and hope you are having a lovely day? x
    Your CAS water coloured card is absolutely beautiful and so very pretty. Yes I can see why the cheery flowers would bring back happy memories for you x
    Sending hugs x

  3. Your water coloring is lovely!
    I heard that today is your birthday,
    and even though you don’t know me,
    I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!
    Have a beautiful day 😊

  4. Happy birthday, Bonnie! What a gorgeous bouquet you've colored, and a wonderful memory from your childhood is always fun on your special day!

  5. What a lovely corner design stamp Bonnie. Beautifully colored and framed! Hope you have a lovely birthday today!! (and I hope you got my card!)

  6. Happy Birthday Bonnie! I hope your day was extra special and you got spoilt! Love your gorgeous vase of flowers:)

  7. Happy Birthday, Bonnie. I hope it was a great day for you.

    Beautiful watercolor card. [Bunny]

  8. Happy birthday Bonnie, I'm sure you had a wonderful time opening all those bouquet cards :)
    I love the stamp and your watercolouring, so nice to see it tucked in the corner.

  9. First off I want to wish you a wonderful, happy birthday Bonnie!! I hope it was as sweet as you are. Second, your card is just beautiful. I love the the beautiful Black Eyed Susan bouquet. They remind me of when I was a little girl too, loved seeing them grow wild. I got myself in a lot of trouble with flowers as a child, as I loved flowers and would just walk up and pick them no matter where they were. Sometimes that would be in someone's yard! I was 4, but I thought they all belonged to me. lol I feel like I could reach right in and pick your flowers right out the vase Bonnie. So beautiful! Love that "hello" sentiment too. Hugs, Brenda

  10. Wow you are just amazing with the zigs and water brush...this is just gorgeous and so real looking! BTW...Happy happy birthday to you, I sure hope you are surprised with your bouquet of flowers coming from every where to celebrate you!! You ar such a wonderful friend and should be treated like a queen for the whole rest of the month!! Happy happy day my friend!! Heart Hugs, Col

  11. Best Wishes Bonnie and your card is that corner stamp and I think your watercoloured it beautifully...enjoy your day, hugs Robyn

  12. Happy Birthday my sweet friend!! I hope you had a wonderful day and wish you a fun and artistic year! Your flowers are gorgeous ... fantastic no line watercolouring. You are so talented and have brought these flowers to life! I have this stamp but haven't inked it up yet. You've inspired me to pull it out and play. It's so nice when an image brings back wonderful memories. xx

  13. Happy birthday, Bonnie! πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ›πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆ Hope your day was fabulous.
    Your card is absolutely beautiful! Love the colors. xx

  14. Happy Birthday! I heard today is your birthday - have a lovely day. Your card is beautiful and your watercolouring is amazing! xxx

  15. What a pretty and very cheerful bouquet Bonnie - and a very Happy Birthday to you from Down Under :).

  16. Happy, Happy Birthday, Bonnie!!! Though I'm probably a day late, I hope you have an extended birthday, with lots of celebrations and get togethers :-)
    Your card is gorgeous - the colours of the flowers are so rich, yet your watercoloured background is subtle and beautifully painted. Love it.
    Cath x

  17. Beautiful card. Your coloring and blending looks perfect. TFS
    Happy Birthday to you.

  18. OMG..Bonnie, your no line stamped and watercolored Black Eyed Susan bouquet is so gorgeous and looks like a pretty watercolored painting. All your flowers turned out beautifully, my friend. Happy Birthday that you had such a special day. Hugs..Nancy

  19. Happy, Happy Birthday, Bonnie!!! You are so deserving of this lovely birthday celebration by your team!

    Your card is absolutely gorgeous! I love how you watercolored the Black-Eyed Susan flowers...your color palette is perfect and I love your background! How nice that you played with an image with such fond memories :)

    I hope you had a fun celebration with your certainly deserve it!!! Barb xx

  20. Hope your birthday was wonderful yesterday, Bonnie! We had fun sneaking in all our bouquet cards for you at the last minute!

    I love your bouquet card - your watercolouring is fabulous, from the great tones of orange on the flowers, to the soft washed background, to the wonderful shading on the vase, and finally to the excellent job you did on grounding the vase (I always struggle with that).

  21. What a beautiful card Bonnie!! Your black eyed Susan's are so pretty and how wonderful the memories they bring back for you! Your water coloring is GORGEOUS too! I hope you had a FABULOUS birthday and that you enjoyed all the birthday wishes (and cards!!) to celebrate your BIG day! Hugs. :0)

  22. Happy Birthday, Bonnie.
    Your card is really beautiful!

  23. This is the most gorgeous work of art. I love that stamp and the colors and shading are stunning.

  24. Oh, my! This is absolutely beautiful! It doesn't even look like a stamp. I think the whole thing, every flower, turned out gorgeous! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. We've been away camping so I'm just now able to check in. It was a lot of fun being guest designer and helping celebrate birthdays this month!

  25. Thank you for sharing your happy memories, Bonnie! I really enjoyed imaging Little Bonnie bringing a bouquet of Black Eyed Susan flowers to your mom as much as looking at this beautiful card.
    Your Zig watercoloring is amazing. It looks as if you had used watercolor paint. Wonderful framing and a great choice of the sentiment too.

    Hideko xx

  26. Wonderful card Bonnie, I hope you had a fantastic birthday !
    x Karen

  27. Yellow is sunshine and this card definitely gives light to this warm h.e.l.l.o.
    I love the softness of this piece and the two tones of yellow and blue. Beautiful dear friend!xxx

  28. You've got a whole series of wonderful cards, Bonnie. This one is stunning. These wonderful sunflowers look beautiful, and the environment you created for this bouquet brings to mind Van Gogh.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie