
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Spot's Christmas

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

Meet Spot.  He's been a good boy and hopes Santa will leave him some
goodies in his stocking.

He's been stamped with Versafine ink and his spots were drawn and colored
with colored pencils.  I used a Copic Multiliner pen to add darker
edges on the spots.

I die cut the stocking from felt.  A little die cutting and embossing
and he's ready for the Christmas box.

Susan is hosting CAS Christmas this month.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Critter Party (PB), Festive Snippets (PB)
Ink:   Versafine Onyx Black
Paper:   Neenah, Real Red (SU), Watercolor (TH)
Other:  Whimsical Christmas (Cheery Lynn Designs), Square Peek-a-boo Window Die (MFT), Felt, Brick EF (TH), Subtle EF (SU)


  1. Everyone needs a Spotty dog like this one Bonnie - he is adorable sat there with his felt stocking waiting for Santa to come!
    Lovely card. x

  2. Spot is indeed adorable...and probably deserves lotsa fun presents from Santa. The stocking turned out good,too. Very cute card!

  3. What a sweet spotty dog Bonnie and love the stocking made out of felt amd the aperture with the dry embossed brick wall as a background works beautifully. x

  4. Love your cute spotty dog Bonnie..a lovely Christmas card


  5. Awwwwwww...Spot looks like such a good boy waiting patiently for Santa to fill up his stocking!! Cute, CUTE card Bonnie, and love that you made the stocking from felt!! :0)

  6. Spot is adorable, Bonnie. Just waiting for Santa to fill his stocking. He is so patient!

  7. What a cute card Bonnie, love the design. xx

  8. Spot looks like one happy dog! Hope Santa fills his stocking to the brim. :) xx

  9. I sure hope Spot gets lots of goodies at Christmas, as he sure does deserve it with an adorable face like that.....x. Super cute card x. Thinking of you Bonnie and sending love and hugs x.

  10. Ack, adorable! My favorite Christmas cards are the ones with critters. This guy is so cute! I would load up his stocking 'cause I know he's been a good boy. Love the CASness of your card. I've been working on a batch of cards for this challenge. I'd better hurry!

  11. Sooooooo cute! A lovely Christmas card. Take care and stay safe xxx

  12. Such an endearing card Bonnie, love his felt stocking too.
    Faith x

  13. Such a cute pup Bonnie! There is so much texture in this gorgeous CAS car, the wall, the felt, the frame, love it, and thankyou for adding Spot to the CAS Christmas challenge too, Cathy x

  14. Spot looks goofy and adorable Bonnie and I love his little stocking. I'm willing to bet it will be full to the brim on Christmas morning as he will have been a Very Good Boy! Vicky x

  15. So darling, Bonnie - Spot really brought me a smile!!

  16. Adorable Bonnie, great job on the spots- he's so darn cute :)

  17. Great job doodling and colouring in the spots. The stocking done in felt is perfect as is the embossed background to set the scene.

  18. Spot is so adorable, Bonnie! Great job of adding spots to him. And I LOVE the felt stocking!! It looks so warm and comfy. The brick wall you see from the window adds nice texture to the card and keeps the card CAS. So good to see your card in the CAS Christmas gallery! Thank you!
    Hideko xx

  19. O fabulous card Bonnie - thank you for the smile it gave me. Loving the texture 'brick' wall behind Spot
    Stay safe

  20. If Santa doesn't stretch that stocking full of goodies, send him to me and I'll do it!! Ha!
    So adorable, Bonnie...

  21. What a doll baby Spot is, Bon! I love that he is eager to help Santa by holding up his gorgeous felt stocking! Great framing and texture! Hugs, Dolly

  22. Oh goodness, this little fella is a so cute! He looks like he has been a good boy. Love his stocking he is holding. You have framed he out so cute. Love the pops of red too, it makes the black and white just pop! Hugs, Brenda

  23. Adorable dog! Love the way he's framed and his stocking is hanging out of the frame. Great colouring of the dog. Thanks for making a card for the challenge I'm hosting!

  24. He's adorable, Bonnie and I love him against the brick embossing folder. This is just so darned cute! The stocking of felt is nothing I'd have ever thought to do but love the texture it added.

  25. Adorably cute, and he DESERVES that stocking to be stuffed!

  26. What is it they say about the early bird catching the worm? As far as I am concerned, you can never be to early to solicit presents from Santa.
    Cute card coupled with the simplicity of the overall design. I do like the red trim behind the white card.
    Sandy xx

  27. This is so cute!! I love that little guy!

  28. Spot is just gorgeous, love that textured background xx

  29. Such a cute pup, Bonnie! Your coloring and details are fabulous and I love that you chose felt for the stocking! I also love all the texture you added with the brick background...Thanks so much for joining in the fun at CAS Christmas ~ xx

  30. Beautiful. I love the brick background behind the frame and that cute dog.
    Guest Designer at CAS Christmas

  31. I love his spots! I am going to remember that when I next have to color a dog and have trouble with the blending! Thank you so much for sharing this at CAS is a truly delightful card that will warm the heart of the recipient and put a big smile on their face too!

  32. I LOVE this guy, just like my Lola ...getting my attention when she grabs my socks before our walk. Adorable and so very CAS card, just how I like them. xx

  33. Perfect CAS carta. I love the colors, the combination of red and white is so elegant. This dog is so cute :-)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie