
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Layered Poinsettias

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

Here's a couple of cards using leftover kits from my last class with a little twist.
It's a great way to add to my Christmas card stash.

I turned this from a landscape to portrait orientation.  I had to cut one side of the label
and use a different sentiment.

It's hard to tell by the photo, but I've sponged ink along the edges of the colored
cardstock to add depth to the petals.

This one was cut from a piece of smooshed paper in my background stash with a little
sponging on the edges.

Here's a peek at the card we did in class.  It was a CASE of this card by my 
talented friend, Michele.  Thank you for the inspiration always, my friend.

Can You Handle the Pressure - ATG with embossing/option Christmas
The Flower Challenge #87 - Use Gold (I have gold beads in the centers)

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Gift Tag Christmas (Studio Katia)
Ink:   Shaded Spruce, Real Red
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Shaded Spruce, Real Red
Other:  Layered Poinsettia Dies (WF), Scenic Poinsettias EF (Spl), Nesting Slim Labels (Alt), Gold Microbeads

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Signature Christmas (PTI)
Ink:   Blushing Bride, Wild Wasabi
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Mixed Media Ink Smooshed (Strathmore 400 Series)
Other:  Layered Poinsettia Dies (WF), Scenic Poinsettias EF (Spl), Nesting Slim Labels (Alt)


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  1. I'm so humbled and honored that you chose my card for your class, Bonnie! [even happier that you got that label die set - it's a keeper, for sure!]
    I love the embossing you brought to the party! That little bit of sponging on this sweet Poinsettia does add dimension without adding further postage requirements, doesn't it?
    Two gorgeous cards my friend!

  2. Two gorgeous cards with that lovely poinsettia die, one of my favorites. Sponging the edges of the petals does give it more dimension along with that lovely embossed background. Michele's cards are gorgeous also.

  3. Love the layered poinsettias on the poinsettia embossing folder. Both are great colours!

  4. I sure do love that poinsettia die. Very different and one I should get. Both cards are beautiful and I particularly love the pink one, such an unusual color! You really are on a roll with Christmas cards!

  5. Gorgeous, love the addition of the embossed background too xx

  6. I love that you added leaves to the poinsettias, Bonnie. I'll have to remember that the next time I use that die. Both cards are beautiful with the embossed background and label sentiments.

  7. Beautiful cards. I especially love the ef texture on the base. I bought that poinsettia die from seeing Michele's cards last year.

  8. Beautiful 3D embossed poinsettia background for your die cut poinsettias on all 3 of your Christmas cards, Bonnie. Love how you used the die cut label for the sentiments too. TFS my friend..Happy Holidays and thank you for always sharing and inspiring your beautiful cards. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  9. This poinsettia die is one of my favorites, Bonnie! I love what you've done with it. Two pretty cards!

  10. Had to chuckle when I read that you were CASEing a Michele card, because when I saw your 1st card I was thinking this looks like a Michele card! But anyway, both of your cards are absolutely BEAUTIFUL and just that touch of gold in the Poinsettia centers is just perfect for our challenge this month, and we're so glad you played along at The Flower Challenge!! Hugs. :0)

  11. Beautiful cards, Bonnie! I always did love that poinsettia, oh and that embossing folder too, oh and that label - lol! Michele is a great one to CASE for sure

  12. Three beautiful cards using the pretty layered poinsettia paired with dry embossed poinsettia. Gorgeous together. xx

  13. This poinsettia and berry background is gorgeous Bonnie, and the red poinsettia is beautiful, but this time I think my favourite is that wonderful pink and the label die for the sentiment on each finishes them both perfectly. x

  14. What a perfect combination with your layered poinsettia and the beautiful poinsettia embossed background xx

  15. You have so many beautiful cards since my last visit, Bonnie! I've been admiring all of them. This is such a pretty poinsettia and embossing folder combination in each orientation. With Michele's favorite label die, too! Someday I'll get back on track and be able to do ALL my visiting and commenting again.

  16. I have so enjoyed watching you showcasing your collection of embossing folders this year Bonnie and am delighted that you have inspired me to start a collection of my own...! This is a gorgeous one and I love that you paired it with the layered die cut poinsettia. Vicky x

  17. Pretty pair of poinsettia cards. Another two fantastic CASEd cards.

  18. What a beautiful embossing in the background, Bonnie. I also love this beautiful flower that is the main decoration of the cards.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie