
Monday, February 19, 2024

More Blue Daisies

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I used my Betterpress and Wild Daisies press plate and colored with Copics.
It's a CASE of this card I did recently.

This card started out as a large slimline measuring 4" x 9".

I was in too big of a hurry to start coloring and the ink smeared on the bottom flower.
So I pressed that flower on a scrap of Betterpress paper, let it dry, colored, 
fussy cut and shaped it out to place on top of the offending flower.

Then I had the bright idea of splattering.

Oops!  Got some BIG splats at the top.

Cutting it into a Monarch size card left some splats.

So it became a mini slimline.

I was determined it wouldn't go in the UFO box and it needed to be in
the mail for my Sister-in-law's birthday.  I hope she likes it.

Seize the Birthday #277 - Add Splatters
Time Out #257- Happy 10th Birthday
Triple B - Birds, Butterflies, Blooms - (I have blooms but not from inspiration photo)
Try it on Tuesday - Hearts and/or Flowers


Card Recipe
Ink:   Betterpress Black
Paper:   Betterpress Porcelain, Black, Neenah Solar White
Other:  Wild Daisies Press Plate (Alt), A Little Message Pressplate (Spl), Copics (B21, B13, B26, Y15, Y18, G43, G46, Nuvo Simply White Crystal Drops


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  1. Of course she'll like it, Bonnie! It's wonderful! Adding that layered daisy gave it great dimension. I love that gorgeous Daisy plate - it's on my list!

  2. Gorgeous card. Glad you persevered and it ended up beautifully. Love the blue daisies.
    I know your SIL will love it.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Seize the Birthday.

  3. Oh gracious me! Beautiful, with the prettiest shades of blue.
    Sandy xx

  4. Stunning!! Coloring like done by a professional colorist. I can't stop looking at this card!!! Your sister-in-law will definitely love this card!
    BożenA xx

  5. Of course she will like it, it's stunning. x

  6. It is lovely with the soft shading of blues and large, gorgeous daisies. I love it.

  7. I think it's beautiful (you had me at BLUE) and your splats are perfectly fine!

  8. More gorgeous blue daisies, Bonnie, and I still haven't pulled my set out - shame on me! And what a great fix to press a second image and fussy cut it - nice dimension too!!

  9. Great save, Bonnie. I love it and so will your sister-in-law.

  10. Awesome save Bonnie and I love that you made it into a mini favorite size! And never would have known your coloring had an oops...those daisies look BEAUTIFUL to me!! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  11. Saved twice, well done. It looks wonderful xx

  12. Well-appreciated, I'm sure! I love the beautiful colors you've used and the splats must've been trimmed because I only see gorgeous-ness. Great save, Bonnie

  13. Never give up! Look at the gorgeousness that came out of all your efforts. Beautifully done, Bonnie!

  14. Your watercolouring always inspires me, Bonnie. This is gorgeous and your SIL is going to love it! Great save making it a mini slim-line. And I love the added dimension with your flower layering! xx

  15. Slimline or mini slimline… fabulous either way. Beautifully coloured.

  16. Who wouldn't love these beautiful blue flowers Bonnie, and you managed to cut it down after the splattering incident and no-on would be the wiser and your SIL will really love it. x

  17. Beautiful flowered card Bonnie. It's nice to see blue flowers too. Thanks for sharing this with us at Try It on Tuesday. hugs-Erika

  18. She will love it, Bon! I enjoyed the process and think you did a brilliant save! Also, your schplatters look just right to me! Hugs, Dolly

  19. Great save - it works perfectly as a mini slimline! Beautiful shades of blue and lovely splattering.

  20. I think she's going to like it because it's a beauty! All of those little mistakes seemed to work out just fine!

  21. Such a pretty card Bonnie and good save on changing the size! Thankyou for joining in at Seize the Birthday too, Cathy x

  22. Beautiful card Bonnie. I rarely make slimline and mini slimline cards, this might just get me going :)

  23. Beautifully coloured and I love the off-the-edge design! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Time Out’s 10th Birthday!

  24. A couple of oops that were very cleverly saved Bonnie, and a fabulous card as a result

  25. This card is beautiful, Bonnie, and I love how you saved it twice! Thanks so much for playing with us at Seize The Birthday! 🥳

  26. WOW! What a beautiful card my friend! Absolutely lovely!! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Triple B challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

  27. This is gorgeous Bonnie! I love your colouring and the flowers are so perfect for a slim line card. Thanks for playing along at Seize the Birthday.

  28. OMG! How gorgeous is this! I have not seen this BP plate and kinda wish I hadn't. Just kidding, I know you will understand. This is just wonderful as are your splatters. Your goof was a happy accident! Love those! Thanks for playing along with us at Seize the Birthday and for using our topping!

  29. Your coloring is OUTSTANDING, Bonnie! I always love the way you finish off your cards too- something interesting in the background. Great save on the bloopers and glad you were able to use it after this fantastic coloring job you did.

  30. Beautiful card, Bonnie. The coloring is fantastic. Love that you were able to save it. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

  31. What a great save Bonnie! (I don't even want to ask what a Better Press is - I already have machines I bought and haven't used yet!) Your flowers are beautiful on this! Julia xx

  32. It's gorgeous and I LOVE your splatters!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Triple B!
    Diane TB Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Triple B}

  33. What a stunning card Bonnie! I love it! i loved reading about your clever save!! So good to hear I'm not the only one to mess things up!! Well done. No-one would ever know!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Time Out Challenge! :)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie