
Monday, March 11, 2024

Easter Crocuses

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I am so blessed!

A very sweet and dear friend recently shared some of her stash with me.
Among the MANY things she sent were these Crocus Dies that I had been
drooling over wanting for quite some time.

I went right to work with them...

I had some scraps of Fresh Freesia cardstock laying around.

I die cut the two largest crocuses and a couple of buds from the Freesia and
again from green since the leaf dies are connected to the flowers.
(Personally I think they should be separate so there wouldn't be as much waste.)
Just sayin'.

I sponged some ink on the die cuts and shaped the flowers a bit before
putting them together.

The frame die was in the same gift box and I was delighted to see that these
sweet images of spring fit in there perfectly.

And a twofer....

This time I CASEd the layout from another friend's card that I have been enjoying.

Double D - First Signs of Spring
Inkspirational #311 - CAS (didn't use the option of balloons.
Tic Tac Toe #242 - Diagonal CAS, Free, Favorite Color


Card Recipe
Ink:   Fresh Freesia, Wild Wasabi (SU)
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Fresh Freesia, Wild Wasabi
Other:  Botanicuts Crocus (Grtry), Script Easter (SK), Dainty Diamonds EF (ret SU), Fun Floral Sidkick Frame (PS)

Card Recipe
Stamps:  Indescribable Gift (ret SU)
Ink:   VersaMark, Fresh Freesia, Wild Wasabi (SU)
Paper:   Neenah Solar White, Fresh Freesia, Wild Wasabi (SU)
Other:  Botanicuts Crocus (Grtry), Spring Leaves Coverplate (Honey Bee), Stitched Circles (PB), White EP

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  1. I adore these Crocuses and was so happy to receive them for Christmas last year! Your freesia blooms are really perfect tucked into these special places, Bonnie! (I really must remember to borrow those stitched circles next crafty day!)
    We had snow on the ground Sunday morning! Thank goodness my tulips had only just started to peek out!

  2. Your cards are just gorgeous, Bonnie!
    Love the crocuses and the embossing!
    Greetings from Switzerland,

  3. Two beautiful cards with the pretty purple crocus. Love the layout and backgrounds on each card. Crafting friends are the greatest to share with others.

  4. You gave your lovely crocuses such pretty places to grow, Bonnie. And how lucky are you to have a friend gift them to you along with that beautiful frame die. Better check that die again. Mine cut apart.

  5. Two gorgeous designs with your crocuses, Bonnie!! Especially love all the layers on both!!

  6. Bonnie, Those crocus blooms are fabulous and you have landed them so nicely.

  7. Both cards are really wonderful!
    Sandy xx

  8. WOW! These crocuses are stunning and you put the flowers together so beautifully with all these parts. I love both cards and I totally agree with you that the Marcia card layout looks great. Two amazing cards and beautiful spring flowers.
    BożenA xx

  9. Perfect crocus cards - ideal for spring or Easter. I've got crocuses that exact shade of purple blooming in my garden right now. Love the layout in the first photo with the wonderful layers of texture from the embossing and the framing.

  10. Two beautiful cards using those gorgeous crocuses. The colours are so lovely and I love all the details you've added to both cards. Aren't cardmaking friends the best??!! xx

  11. these cards are so pretty. Crocuses are such a lovely flower, but also very short lived, so putting them on a card can help them live longer. Love both designs xx

  12. I have always thought these were some of the most realistic crocus dies. Both your cards are absolutely beautiful! You have a very nice friend, Bonnie. Crocuses surely are one of the very first signs of spring. Pre-spring here as they tend to bloom in February. I'm so glad you shared with us at Double D!

  13. Nothing says spring like the pretty little Crocuses peeking out at us! The hubs and I saw our first on a walk the other day, made us both smile! Two lovely Easter cards, Bonnie!

  14. The Crocus dies are one of my favorites too Bonnie, and you sure have made them SHINE in both of your cards! (My dies are all attached too, but since I always cut mine all from white cs and then color them, it doesn't bother me to have them all attached.) Glad you liked my card layout too for that sweet little birdie that you stamped for worked great for the beautiful Crocus's too! Mine haven't come up yet...just the snowdrops, but then we woke up to snow Sunday morning and they're saying there will be more this coming weekend...YUCK!! Hugs. :0)

  15. Two beautiful Easter cards using these gorgeous crocuses Bonnie, and love the purple colour, and the leafy frames in white on the look fabulous on the first, and then the purple pierced leafy coverplate looks wonderful on the second, and love the ornate circle beneath the crocuses. x

  16. Such a perfect floral die for spring, Bon, and I love the ways you have framed the flowers on your designs! That first rectangle one is a perfect fit and the second one has so much to admire around the stitched circle frame. It's a great CASE of Marcia's card! Thank you for playing dies with me! Hugs, Dolly

  17. Gorgeous crocus, they are the perfect spring flowers and so beautiful on your card. I love the addition of the stitched die cut background xx

  18. Beautiful crocus -- they are amazing, as they seem to be one of the first signs of Spring! Love your card, Bonnie.

  19. Two beautiful cards using your gifted crocus Bonnie! The first is so pretty with the white die cut cover plate - and I love all the purple on the second one with the crocus framed in the lovely die cut circle! Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational: CAS! Julia xx

  20. Your cards are just beautiful. Not only did you chose a lovely spring flower, but the colors are perfect too. Lots of wonderful work here, thanks so much for playing along with us over at Double D. I hope we see you back again soon!
    Judy~ DD DT Designer

  21. Gorgeous crocus dies. Purple flowers, any kind, are my favorite. Love that circle die on the 2nd one. So nice and crips and fresh cards as always from you. Hugs!

  22. Both are beautiful. Fabulous colours. I agree the different die elements should be separate.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie