
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Follow Your Heart

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I will apologize in advance.  This is from a retired stamp.

My friend Julia sent me a beautiful birthday card last year that had this quote on it.
What wonderful words to live by!

I've been hunting for the stamp since then and finally found it on Ebay.
I am excited to say that it is the real thing and didn't look like it had ever been used.

The magnolias were in my UFO box and almost made it into the trash.  But they worked
great as a background for the lovely quote. 

The magnolias were stamped with Memento Toffee Crunch ink and colored with Zigs.
The quote was stamped with Versafine Onyx Black and heat embossed with clear powder.

This seems so appropriate right now as the magnolias (tulip trees) are in full bloom.
Something new and beautiful opens up each day in the spring.

Word Power #3 - Making the sentiment the focus of the card


Card Recipe
Stamps:  Follow Your Heart (ret IO), Magnolia Blossoms (MFT)
Ink:   Memento Toffee Crunch, Versafine Onyx Black
Paper:   Mixed Media, Neenah Solar White, Black
Other:  Zigs (28 Pale Pink, 81 Lt. Violet, 64 Oatmeal, 51 Lemon Yellow), Clear EP


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  1. Beautiful! It only took me close to 80 years to follow this advice!!
    Sandy xx

  2. I have always loved North Carolina in Spring! Wish I could be there this year, Bonnie, but I'm so happy you are having a lovely Spring and can enjoy all those blooms for the rest of us!
    Trash?? Not this treasure! Yes, words to live by... if we'd only realized this in our 20's, right?
    Absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Gorgeous magnolias, Bonnie & you're right - great sentiment! Love the twine bow too!

  4. Gorgeous magnolias, Bonnie & I love that sentiment too! Perfect with the string twine bow!

  5. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Bonnie! Can't believe those lovely Magnolias almost ended up in the trash, and that sentiment is absolutely perfect to go along with them! Definitely words to live by too...LOVE it!! Hugs. :0)

  6. Beautiful card and lovely quote. Glad you were able to find it. Also glad those lovely magnolias didn't end up in the trash. The quote is lovely over them and the black twine bow adds a great touch. TFS

  7. That is a wonderful sentiment! Words we should all live by. Lucky you being able to find it. It looks perfect on top of the beautiful magnolias!

  8. Bonnie, a lovely combination of words to live by and that beautiful magnolia. So glad it was saved from the almost trash.

  9. Amazing quote and so beautiful over top of your lovely magnolias. Such a wonderful card, my friend. xx

  10. A beautiful and elegant card Bonnie. I love how you've stamped the gorgeous sentiment right over the floral image, very effective. Thanks for joining us at Krafty Chicks challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  11. The magnolia trees near me are just coming into bloom. I do love them. Your card is brilliant and you are right. those words are very special xx

  12. I can't imagine you throwing out that magnolia panel, Bonnie. It's lovely and a great background for that meaningful sentiment stamp. I have found a few retired things on Etsy lately and I'm glad that we can search the internet for such things.

  13. THIS is exquisite! I can't believe you almost threw away those magnolias- they are beautifully colored and highlighted. I never thought to use a larger sentiment over the artwork but it looks SO classy. Both these stamps are NOW on my wish list which is getting pretty long thanks to your incredible cards! This one is one of my favorites.

  14. This is a beautiful card Bonnie, and the stamped quote is a brilliant one, and the magnolias are so pretty in the background, and also the added black twine and black card work perfectly to embellish the card. x

  15. Oh, goodness, it is a beautiful sentiment. I should put that on the wall in my morning room. That's what I call my stamp room because I go there most mornings with my coffee. Sophie comes with me so it's extra nice now. Those beautifully colored magnolias are nothing to sneeze at either. It's all so lovely, Bonnie!

  16. Stunning card, Bonnie. I can't understand why you were going to throw away those magnolias...? 100 percent beautiful! I love this quote stamp, it looks amazing and stands out perfectly against those beautiful magnolias in the background.

  17. I would love to see those pretty blooming trees, Bonnie! But I will settled with this pretty card of yours. What an exceptional sentiment this is. So happy you found it!

  18. Love, Love, LOVE this card, Bonnie! Why would those gorgeous magnolias end up in the trash? I think they're fabulous, just as much as that amazing sentiment -- it's easy to see why you were on the hunt for it! Definitely words to live by

  19. Such gorgeous Magnolia and love that beautiful sentiment ♥

  20. Oh yes - I love that quote as well Bonnie - so glad you were able to find it! It works wonderfully here with your magnolias so beautifully colored. The long tails on your twine make for great texture too! Julia xx

  21. Bonnie that stamp is a fabulous quote - and I love how you have stamped it over the magnolia blooms

  22. What a stunning card my friend and yes that sentiment is priceless! LOVE your beautiful magnolia ... awesome design! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our WORD POWER challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth,Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

  23. Bonnie, such a beautiful magnolia background for that lovely sentiment. Fabulous card. Have a great day.

  24. Beautiful, Bonnie! So glad that stamp was saved from going into the trash bin, it's lovely. Been loving our warmer weather. Hope it stays put. Hugs my friend!

  25. You are so very lucky to own that gorgeous stamp! I love how you stamped over it with the wonderful quote--just perfect, Bonnie!

  26. That is a beautiful verse and it works brilliantly with the magnolias, Bon! Love the bow, too. (But, girl, you have too much in your UFO box if you were even tempted a teeny-tiny bit to put those pretty magnolias in the trash. I'm gonna have to come out there!) Hugs, Dolly

  27. Another great save! Beautiful and artsy. Love this one.


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie