
Friday, May 15, 2020

May CAS Challenge Reminder

Hi there.  How are you?

I'm glad you stopped by.
I have a long post today with reminders for the
CAS Challenges.

Changes are coming to the CAS Challenges starting next month.

The new CAS Mix Up Challenge will include a rotation of challenges ...
Mixed Media, Stencil, Watercolour (repeat).

At CAS Mix Up Linda has challenged us to use...

I used some thinner gesso this time and pounced it onto my script stamp with
some Cut & Dry foam, stamped it on some cardstock and let it dry while I 
washed the stamp.

When dry, I  used a make up brush to add Distress ink over the gesso.  
Then I used a baby wipe to get the ink off the gesso.  

BAD idea!

Either I was too heavy handed or the wipe was too juicy because
it caused the paper to pill.  I was able to save the small piece that you see here.

I sponge ink on the stem and leaves of the dandelion. I used some glue on
the flower piece and sprinkled some chunky white embossing powder on top to
get some texture.  I also dabbed the stem and leaves in my embossing pad
and heat set with some clear embossing powder.

Here's a close up.

My mixed media are Gesso Resist, Die Cutting, Sponging, Heat Embossing, Chunky Frantage, Embossing with Die and Stamping

CAS Christmas is hosted by Loll

A sweet friend enclosed this pretty die cut in a card recently.
Her timing was perfect!

I've colored the greenery by picking up ink from an inkpad and
the berries with re-inker.  When it was all dry, I splattered with white
gouache paint and let it dry again.  To brighten it up, I went over it
with a Specturm Noir Clear Sparkle marker.

I found this embossed wreath in the Christmas box and popped the
bough on top.

CAS Watercolour where Jenny is asking for

The night sky is a piece of watercolor using Lindy's Magicals and
water done on some coated cardstock.
The die is an all in one.  I cut the tree part a second time from some
Glimmer paper and also the star. 
The starry sky was added with the help of a white gel pen.

This will be the last CAS Watercolour Challenge on this blog.
You can watercolor with us at CAS Mix Up in the future.

Challenges are open until the 24th.

Thanks for the visit and special thanks for your comments.


Card Recipe (card 1)
Stamps: French Script Background (ret. SU), Happy Snippets (PB),
Ink:  Tumbled Glass, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint (DI), Pear Pizzazz (SU), WOW Embossing
Paper:  Neenah, Soft Sky (SU)
Other:  Gesso, Stitched Square Die (SSS), Wildflower Stems #1 (TH/Sizzix), Chunky White Frantage, Clear EP

Card Recipe (card 2)
Stamps:  Tis the Season (Serendipity/IO)
Ink:   Baked Brown Sugar, Garden Green (SU)
Paper:   Crumb Cake (SU), Textured White (?)
Other:  Silverdale Branch Die (MB), Real Red Re-inker (SU), Seasonal Wreath EF (SU), White Gouache Paint, Spectrum Noir Clear Sparkle Brush, Jute Twine

Card Recipe (card 3)
Paper:   Neenay, Coated, Glimmer (SU)
Other:  Delicate Pine Frame Die (MB), Star of Wonder Die (MB), Lind's Shaker Afternoon Delight Denim


  1. Beautiful cards, Bonnie. Your embossed wreath is the perfect Showcard for your sprig of holly and berries. Hope you are doing well.

  2. Sorry Bonnie I decided to scrap my comment and start again as it went totally wrong! Georgeous cards and I love the seasonal look with the wonderful sparkly tree and the great night sky, and the gesso resist has worked beautifully in the background of the prettily embossed and coloured dandelion. x

  3. They're all three totally gorgeous! LOVE that last one especially. So beautiful.

  4. My goodness, you've produce three beauties. I was anxious to learn how you made the white texture on the bloom. This card is gorgeous, flower cards are my favourite, but you knew that. That blue just enhances it too. The berries are great too with that kraft matting and twine, really CAS. And the last is special too with the tree peaking through the window. Great cards dear friend xx

  5. Totally gorrrgeous cards Bonnie...all of them. Those berries are to 'die' for - they pop right out at you, and I so must remember to add some splatter to my cards.. your dandelion is so pretty and glitter, lovely colours and the 'magical' night sky perfect for the glittery tree -- cool double framing too. Hugs and stay safe Robyn

  6. Wonderful cards, Bonnie. I recognized immediately the MB dies used on both Christmas cards and they are great choices for their respective challenge. My blue-loving heart though drew me in to your gorgeous night sky with the glittery tree and star.

  7. Your post is packed full of fabulous cards and creative ideas. I LOVE that dandelion with all the wonderful texture ... so cool!! I love it on the small piece of gesso rsist. The dandelion just pops off the beautiful blue background! Your winter berries are so pretty. I love how adding the clear shimmer makes the leaves and berries so bright and shiny. So pretty over top of the dry debossed wreath! And your watercoloured night sky is GORGEOUS! Love the colours of magicals you've used. Can just imagine all the sparkle of this beautiful card with the magical background and glimmer paper tree and star! Amazing designs on all four cards, my friend! xx

  8. Gorgeous cards my friend... Your Christmas cards are so elegant!

  9. Three sensational cards Bonnie! Beautiful Night Sky Christmas scene with the bright star.

  10. wow...fantastic lineup of wonderfully done cards. So lovely mf
    Hope you are well and have a great wknd. Blessings.
    xx Karen

  11. Three beautiful cards Bonnie. Great techniques on each one. Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. Bonnie, so many beautiful cards. Love the texture from the frantage on your flower; your subtle embossed wreath behind your berry sprig is beautiful and that colour combo is perfect; I can imagine the sparkle in the night sky from the Lindy's Magicals and great idea adding the glitter tree. So much inspiration :)

  13. Three just gorgeous cards, Bonnie! I must say I'm intrigued by the dandelion and just had to read how you did that. It's so dimensional! Your really transformed that die into a thing of beauty. I love the triple frame on the tree and the holly is well done too. My you are really on a roll there!

  14. Hi Bonnie, trying to get a little commenting done this weekend. So the challenges are going to be wrapped up into one on a rotational bases then? I think that might make it easier for some of us. lol And then again, maybe not with some of us. lol We will see! Your cards are just stunning Bonnie! I'm glad you were able to save a piece of that blue scrip paper, it is so pretty. I am loving that dandelion die, you got a lot of "fluffy" texture on the flower head! The embossed wreath card is just gorgeous with the greens and berries, that just took this embossing up a whole another notch! Then the night sky, oh my, that is just beautiful and I am loving that tree all sparkly like the snow looks when the moon shines on it. Then you have the star in the sky, so beautiful too. Just love all the frames you have around this beauty. Hugs, Brenda

  15. Three FABULOUS cards Bonnie!! So glad you were able to save a small piece of your gesso looks just beautiful with all the white surrounding it and the one simple flower (or weed :0) ) over the top. Your leaves and berries look so stunning over the top of that embossed wreath...I really want to CASE that card it is SOOOOO pretty!! And your night sky card is also just BEAUTIFUL! Lovely, lovely cards my friend!! Hugs and hope you're having a great weekend!! :0)

  16. Three great cards! Love your bit of gesso resist and really love the chunky embossing powder on the flower! The leaves and berries with the bit of white splatter and the twine bow are fabulous. And of course I love the blue and white card with the wonderful sparkle and the great framing.

  17. Oh Bonnie I am blown away with your gesso resist card layout . So much dimension and that flower with the chunky powder just brought it to life.
    Your berry Christmas card is beautiful even more so with the soft embossed background. Love the shimmer.
    Beautiful blingy Christmas tree and that sky background stunning. Love the die cut layers.

  18. Three awesome designs Bonnie, love every perfect detail!

  19. What a beautiful selection of cards Bonnie - all of them are just amazing!
    Stay safe

  20. I so like the effect of the gesso Bonnie, as it's not pure white and adds to the wonderful background. I know exactly what you mean about the paper piling x. It is such a pretty card and the texture from the chunky embossing powder looks terrific x.
    How kind of a friend to send you this pretty berry die. Your card is beautiful Bonnie and the embossing folder is a great textural background for the beautiful berries to sit on x.
    The die cut framing looks wonderful Bonnie on your last card, as it draws your eyes into the very pretty sparkly tree and the beautiful night sky x.
    You have spoilt us with these three glorious cards and thank you x.

  21. Oh my gosh, I miss one day and you knocked yourself out! Three fantastic cards, Bonnie. That dandelion is stunning with it's fluffy look and great background. When I wiped my gesso off, it came off.. I guess it's to old. The berries are so pretty over the embossed wreath and that sparkly tree and star with that framing made a fabulous card.

  22. All three are fabulous, Bonnie!
    What a great save the script gesso background is! I think the faint gesso script is perfect to bring out the pretty white dandelion. It's a clever idea to use chunky white embossing powder to give the fluffy texture to it.
    Your watercolored berries and leaves are fabulous! Love the subtle dry-embossed wreath in the background and the gouache paint snow spatter.
    And the Lindy's night sky is gorgeous, and the glimmer die-cut tree and the star are so pretty. Using all three die-cut frames worked so wonderful for this card!
    Hideko xx

  23. Girl, you've done it again! These are fantastic, from the frantage for dimension on the first, die cut over dry embossing on the second to fantastic magicals on the last -- all 3 winners in my book

  24. The dimension on that dandelion is out of this world, Bonnie. The embossed wreath looks wonderful behind your beautifully watercolored berries. I'm intrigued with all the frames around your glittery tree. Such a beautiful card.

  25. Three gorgeous card designs Bonnie! and all using such fun techniques - love the thick white on the first bloom, the bright berries and white splatter on the 2nd, and your gorgeous watery blues night sky with the shimmery white tree and star and beautiful layered framings on your third! xx

  26. There's so much to love in this post, Bonnie! Prettiest dandelion I've seen in forever, and the card you've set it on is perfect despite your troubles. Really love both Christmas cards, too. Sooooo pretty!

  27. Absolutely stunning cards Bonnie. Your gesso resist is so pretty and delicate and I love the texture on the die cut.
    Your Christmas designs looks beautiful .... I really like the font on the sentiment on the wreath, and your night sky is just perfect. Fabulous inspiration my friend xx

  28. A wonderful contrast. I love this card, extra sweep on the flowers and amazing coloring of the stem and leaves. I love how you obtained the three-dimensional effect thanks to the right color shading.
    The second card is beautiful and elegant. Thank you for the great inspiration.
    The third card is so beautiful. It made me almost go down in the winter :-) But it's true, your night sky looks stunning and you managed to catch glitter sparking on your spruces. Each of us is jealous of you now :-)


Thanks for taking the time to visit. I really enjoy your comments.
Enjoy! Bonnie