Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I Used Some Patterned Paper

Hi there.  I'm so glad you stopped by!

I often say that I'm patterned paper challenged.
I love to buy it and take it out and look at it, but usually can't figure out
what to do with it and put it away for another day.

This paper is so pretty and I've used almost the whole pad.  We used a lot of
it in my last class.  I had this piece leftover.  

I did this a little different from the class card and added a larger heart cut from
white cardstock instead of using the eclipse technique.  A few butterflies and a
sentiment stretched across the front changed it up a bit.

This is what the class did...

Maybe I should order some more?

Love those Pretty Papers - Did not use the option of red


Card Recipe


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Pat said...

Such pretty paper and love the contrast of the larger white heart with the inner heart from the paper and with the pattern continuing througout , and love the sweet little butterflies and sentiment strip to finish Bonnie. The one you made in your class is wonderful too. x

I Card Everyone said...

I love your stacked heart, Bonnie, as it really puts a spotlight on your center heart.
Those papers are really lovely - I don't think I've ever used a whole pad of any patterned paper!

LeAnne said...

That paper is gorgeous and you should definitely order more! Such beautiful patterns! Your heart card is stunning!

Bobby said...

I have a raft of patterned paper and only use bits and pieces of it. I love what you've done with your beautiful paper, Bonnie. The heart cut-out accents that large flower beautifully. The D & D gals knew we needed to use up some of our hoard. I need to start making cards for their challenge.

JoAnn said...

The paper is very pretty as is both of your cards. I like the one you added the white heart too., along with the sentiment across the card. TFS

JoAnn said...

Forgot to thank you for adding your lovely card to Seize the Birthday.

marilyn said...

LOVE your layout & giving the heart white space! Very clever!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Those papers have helped make these amazing cards. x

Marcia Hill said...

Both cards are so pretty Bonnie and I love, LOVE the dsp on both too! I'm like you when it comes to dsp...I buy it, look at it, and then put it away! I think it's because it's usually so busy that I don't know what to put with it that won't get lost! I love plaids and polka dots, but that's about the best I can do! Haha!! You did a great job with yours though...lovely, lovely cards!! And thank you so much for the beautiful birthday card and heart die...I love them both and appreciate you thinking of me on my special day!! Hugs. :0)

Susan said...

I'm exactly like you, Bonnie - I have such a hard time using my patterned paper and even though I got rid of some of it at a second hand craft sale, I still have far too much! I love both of your cards, and those papers are gorgeous!

Lisa Elton said...

The white heart cut out adds so much interest to that already pretty paper! Two fantastic cards, Bonnie!

TK said...

You're SO right! Those papers are gorgeous, and they made beautiful cards, Bonnie. Love the addition of the white heart on the first card

LesleyG said...

Wow, such pretty paper and lovely bold design, your cards are fabulous! xxx

Diane said...

Gorgeous card and paper. I, too am paper challenged, have tons of it, I used to sew, it reminds me of fabric so I buy it and never use it, that is why we started this challenge, to force us to get creative with it!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Love Those Pretty Papers!
Diane Co-Owner LTPP
{Nellies Nest}
{Love Those Pretty Papers}

Brenda in IN said...

Two stunning cards with pattern paper. I'm with you and everyone else about pattern paper. We should all make a pact to use pp at least once a week on a card. You did a great job using yours on these two cards. I'm off to think!

shirley-bee said...

I know what you mean about patterned paper - I’ve got more than I could use in two lifetimes, and that's after a de-stash! I love how your white heart makes the smaller heart pop, but keeps the overall design of the card. Thanks for playing along with us at Seize The Birthday 🥳

Leslie Miller said...

Look at you with the gorgeous paper and almost all used up! I always used to buy small prints that could easily be used in backgrounds, but now have a lot of this kind, too, which really needs to be the star of the show. You've figured out how to let it be the star while also incorporating your special touches. It looks fabulous!

Nancy said...

I too have a fetish with patterned paper. Although, in the last year or so I am really trying to slow it down. I love what you have done with both of these cards. Layering the heart was really smart and adds a bit of something. As for card 2, That paper was too pretty to cut for sure. Love both of these and I will be posting a card soon almost doing the same thing you have done here with Patterned paper. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday. Stay warm, it looks like it is pretty cold there.

HilaryJane said...

I am exactly the same with patterned paper. so much so that I have now stopped buying it. You have made it look fabulous on this card. Using the white really makes the gorgeous paper pop. Not sure about buying more, perhaps you should just be pleased you have used it up xx

Cathy said...

Both beautiful cards Bonnie, and the paper is gorgeous, Cathy x

Christine Alexander said...

wow those papers are gorgeous, I don't use enough of my patterned paper xx

Nance said...

Oooo! That is beautiful patterned paper. I'm with you. I have lots of patterned paper but sometimes don't know what to do with it. I love the popped up heart you cut from the middle. xx

Karen said...

Well, you certainly aced using the patterned paper here! Beautiful paper, and great card--the heart is perfect!

Linda said...

Bonnie, that pattern paper is just so beautiful, both of them. Love the design of your card with the white heart and then added the smaller heart in the paper.
Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

Trina P. said...

Ooh, my blue-colour loving heart LOVES that gorgeous pattern paper and card.